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3) From Social to Sale: 8 Questions to Ask your Customers

Vision Critical
Alexandra Samuel, David Sevitt, Lena Lam, Cheryl Loh

Why this research is important: With the expanding use of social media in business, it is critical for the
industry to measure the precise impact social has on consumer purchasing. We know it makes a
difference, but how much?

Method: The data in this report was taken from 5,657 online surveys conducted from February 2012 to
June 2013 (17 months).

Key findings:

 Four in 10 social media users have purchased an item online or in-store after sharing or
favoriting it on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.
 Half of social media-related purchasing took place within one week of sharing or
favoriting the ultimately purchased item.
 Pinterest was the network most likely to drive spontaneous purchasing. Twitter and
Facebook purchasers were more likely to make social media-related purchases of
products they were already researching or considering.


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