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5G technology will boost global economy by USD 1.4 trillion by 2030 – research

New 5G mobile technologies will create an additional USD 1.4 trillion in GPD for global economies over the next 10 years, according to a new report by STL Partners for Huawei. Manufacturing and healthcare will be two industry sectors to benefit the most from new 5G technologies.

The research shows that 5G will help healthcare workers treat over 850 million extra outpatients a year by 2030, boost the manufacturing sector by 4 percent, and help reduce global emissions by half a billion tonnes, according to Telecompaper.

More than one billion patients worldwide will benefit from improved healthcare services by 2030 as 5G mobile connected technology transforms doctors surgeries and hospitals. The research shows that 5G will deliver worldwide savings of USD 94 billion for the healthcare sector by 2020.