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P. 369
Energy Union Energy Demand Side private Demand side response requires No 0.2 0.2 Barriers: Need to fund technology development.
Efficiency: Response. sector/ Local “remote access” to demand points to be Solution: Capital grants for technology development
Demand Side Potential Authorities able to aggregate and monitor the DSR and commercial scale demonstration.
Response projects centrally. As the amount of intermittant Barriers: Also need local authority plus DNO
(DSR) include: renewable generation in the UK engagement with private sector to deliver DSR
Industry DSR increases, the need for DSR also schemes. Solution: Partnership models between the
Products increases in order to keep the UK players to develop cooperation which will need flexible
Demonstrator network stable at a reasonable price. funding models
(£20M), DSR DSR and the development of local
in the Smart storage and the smart grid are inevitably
Cities Energy linked.
(£50M) ,
Catapult led
Smart Heat
Energy Union Networks: Smart Grid private An electricity grid that is fitted with more Yes 0.5 Barriers: Any increased costs or debt associated with
Smart Grid sector information and communications implementing Smart Grid under the current regime
technology is integral to our does not provide in the short term higher returns to
transformation to low carbon economy. shareholders. In fact it lowers their returns.The delays
The so called "smart grid" gives a better and no hope of winning bids forces Smart Grid
understanding of variations in power providers to try other countries /purchasers. Solution:
generation and demand, and allows us The Smart Grid companies need funding support
to use that information in a dynamic and during the competitive bidding stage. Smart Grid needs
interactive way to get more out of the to be a carve out and a process established to
system. encourage utilities to implement long term solutions
that will create efficiencies and lower overall costs to
consumers in the long term.
Energy Union Industrial Industrial Partnership: As part of the 2050 industrial sector Yes. On <0.25 <0.25 Barriers: Capital intensive technology, not yet
process energy Carbon industry, roadmaps, some of the major sectors critical path to demonstrated at scale, which increases risk for
Capture & BIS, DECC have identifed industrial CCS as a key decarbonisatio investor. Energy intensive industries operate in globally
Storage demo technology for their decarbonisation. n according to competitive markets - no opportunity to pass on costs.
Especially steel and chemicals. Funding all models Uncertain returns on investment in innovation.
of a one-off capex award of £150m and including Solution: Capital grant programme for technology
two years of operation from 2015 to DECCs and development and commercial scale demonstration
2017 required: 0.19-0.25bn Committee on (alongside other policy development for supporting low
Climate carbon manufacture).
Efficiency: Response. sector/ Local “remote access” to demand points to be Solution: Capital grants for technology development
Demand Side Potential Authorities able to aggregate and monitor the DSR and commercial scale demonstration.
Response projects centrally. As the amount of intermittant Barriers: Also need local authority plus DNO
(DSR) include: renewable generation in the UK engagement with private sector to deliver DSR
Industry DSR increases, the need for DSR also schemes. Solution: Partnership models between the
Products increases in order to keep the UK players to develop cooperation which will need flexible
Demonstrator network stable at a reasonable price. funding models
(£20M), DSR DSR and the development of local
in the Smart storage and the smart grid are inevitably
Cities Energy linked.
(£50M) ,
Catapult led
Smart Heat
Energy Union Networks: Smart Grid private An electricity grid that is fitted with more Yes 0.5 Barriers: Any increased costs or debt associated with
Smart Grid sector information and communications implementing Smart Grid under the current regime
technology is integral to our does not provide in the short term higher returns to
transformation to low carbon economy. shareholders. In fact it lowers their returns.The delays
The so called "smart grid" gives a better and no hope of winning bids forces Smart Grid
understanding of variations in power providers to try other countries /purchasers. Solution:
generation and demand, and allows us The Smart Grid companies need funding support
to use that information in a dynamic and during the competitive bidding stage. Smart Grid needs
interactive way to get more out of the to be a carve out and a process established to
system. encourage utilities to implement long term solutions
that will create efficiencies and lower overall costs to
consumers in the long term.
Energy Union Industrial Industrial Partnership: As part of the 2050 industrial sector Yes. On <0.25 <0.25 Barriers: Capital intensive technology, not yet
process energy Carbon industry, roadmaps, some of the major sectors critical path to demonstrated at scale, which increases risk for
Capture & BIS, DECC have identifed industrial CCS as a key decarbonisatio investor. Energy intensive industries operate in globally
Storage demo technology for their decarbonisation. n according to competitive markets - no opportunity to pass on costs.
Especially steel and chemicals. Funding all models Uncertain returns on investment in innovation.
of a one-off capex award of £150m and including Solution: Capital grant programme for technology
two years of operation from 2015 to DECCs and development and commercial scale demonstration
2017 required: 0.19-0.25bn Committee on (alongside other policy development for supporting low
Climate carbon manufacture).