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Energy Union Electricity Biomass private The UK remains committed to delivering Yes All projects are shovel 6.3 1.2 barriers: lack of investment appetite because of the
Generation: development sector 15 per cent renewable energy by 2020. ready with two looking to difficulty of finding industrial partners, lack of
Biomass including In order to meet this target, the close FID by the end of the understanding of the value of CHP in the UK, concerns
specific government estimated that the UK calendar year over the sustainability of biomass and lack of
projects around needs at least 30 per cent of its aopportunity for cost reduction. Solution: support for
820 MW. electricity generation to come from larger projects and an independently developed
renewable sources by 2020. Biomass bionass CHP to drive down costs and demonstrate low
will play an imprtant role in delivery of carbon nature of biomass
the target with over 4GW currently
installed. Together with spend under the
RO, we expect a further 4.1-5.8GW total
biomass to come forward under EMR

Energy Union Low Carbon Marine private Marine is a nascent technology and the No 0.5 Barriers: Slow progress on development of
Generation: Generation sector UK is at the forefront of its commercially viable technology, high construction
Marine development. Currently there are no costs, funding shortages due to lack of support from
Electricity commercial-scale projects in operation, utilities and private investors. Solution: Support for
Generation however there is a number of larger scale projects to drive down costs. These
demonstration projects in place. There projects would require capital grants and loans to
is also 0.5GW of marine projects in the encourage the industry to pick up.
pipeline and it is estimated that the
wave and tidal stream sector could see
£500mn investment up to 2020.

Energy Union Electricity Nuclear private Nuclear technology is a low carbon Yes Various stages of 46.0 16.0 Barriers: High construction cost, long payback period
Generation: development, sector source of energy. In the UK it currently development. is making debt raising difficult. Solution: EIB senior
Nuclear with three provides 20% of electricity, however the Investment decisions and sub-ordinated debt or guarantees for developers
potential majority of UK nuclear plants is expected in near-term and supply chain.
projects with a reaching end of their estimated useful
total of 12.2GW would need to shut down by 2023. The
capacity industry plans to deliver 16GW of new
(Hinkley Point nuclear capacity.This could support an
C, Wylfa, and estimated 29,000-41,000 jobs across
Moorside) the nuclear supply chain at the peak of
reaching construction activity.To encourage new
investment build, the UK government developed a
decision in the strong regulatory framework, however
near term. more support is needed to unlock
capital and accelerate investment.
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