Page 239 - ePaper
P. 239
Key Investment Project List – SLOVAK REPUBLIC

3. Transport

Sector Subsector Project Organization – Description Included in Project Status Total Investment Barriers to
Name Project Sponsor national investment in implementation
investment costs 2015 – 2017
plan (EUR BN)
Road infrastructure
Transportation Corridors and D1 Turany - Hubová Ministry of Transport, This difficult section in Yes Obtain relevant 0.76 TBD RISK OF COST
missing links Construction and contact with protected areas building permits INCREASE (Depending
Regional Development and Natura 2000 areas 01/2016 on the updated selected
of the Slovak Republic should relieve the burden technical solution)
on Route I/18 with traffic Launch of tender for RISKS OF TECHNICAL
intensity of 20 thousand main construction DESIGN (A Comparative
vehicles a day, over 25 per work Study, IGHGP and
cent of which is freight 02/2016 updated technical solution
transportation. The accident including completion of
rate in this section is over Construction starts mitigating measures and
0.8 accident per km, there 09/2017 a proposed alternative
are several black spots, and route around a landslide
the section is also Construction ends LQ .UDĐRYDQ\ ZHUH
unsuitable due to its 12/2020 prepared)
transverse and longitudinal PLANNING RISKS (EIA
unevenness. This section is procedure is in progress
part of the basic TEN-T based on the results of
network and it includes two the Comparative Study
4.6 km long tunnels. The and standpoints)
section will reduce travel LEGAL RISKS (Minimum.
time between Žilina and Settlement of property
towns near the High Tatras rights is in progress (80
and in Eastern Slovakia. per cent), it is necessary
to purchase land from
unknown and newly
discovered owners) –
mitigated by: well
prepared documentation,

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