Page 165 - ePaper
P. 165

1. Designing, modernising the existant capacities within our unit,
having in view the achievement of the frame built in accordance with the
activities of the

project and the requirements of the E.U.
2. Acquiring valuable genetic material (vegetal and animal) having in
Pilot regional center of view the establishment of a bank of vegetal and animal genetic
relaunching mountain resources for the mountain area.
Social Built enviroment economy (agro-silvo- 3. Conservation of the biodiversity of the mountainous envirnment 2015-2018 Changes of the law and of the organisation, absence of
Infrastructur and urban Public pastoral) according to ICDM Cristian-Sibiu and protection of the envirnment by applying good No 1 1 financing/ norms which are supposed to support the
financing of the research.
e services the practice.
E.U. requests 4. Applying some innovative technologies and prcesses in order to
obtain high quality mountainous products, in accordance with the
European Carta of High
Quality Mountainous Products
5. Promoting a net of valuing the mountainous products by developing
new instruments and by the integration into the unique
6. Developing the human capital by creating new working places in
Financial risks: This category includes the risks related to lack
cash at payment time for the suppliers /
The project follows the development of a performing center regarding the This type of risk can be totally decreased by elaboration of
adequate strategies for acquisition contract and exact
researches for monitoring, analyzing and solution development for estimation of financial plan of investment.
decreasing effects of climatic changings of horticultural sector from S-E
Europe for increasing the alimentary safety and security of area The Economical risks:
propused project creates by modernizing, endowment and infrastructure The main risk category is the inflation/
development a integrated researching platform, consisted from two In patrimony of the This risk is medium and for this the working costs and the
Excellence Center for laboratories able to develop new technologies in production-consumer institute exists the future incomes was estimate in EURO.
horticultural resources branch for horticultural products, completing with a biochemical and necessary infrastructure
Social Built enviroment ICDMPH for development of the Human risk:
Infrastructur and urban Public management regarding Horting microbiological laboratory, which realize with accuracy measurements No project during the 2015 – 5 5 In research field the human resource is the determination
for alimentary safety of fresh and processed horticultural products and
the climatic changing
e services București 2017 period when the factor for the quality of results.
within S- E Europe experimental identification for new active biochemical compounds. project can became
Quantifiable results will be:
-decreasing the climatic effects; operational from 2018 Human risk includes :
- decreasing the energetic consumption; Difficulty/impossibility regarding the qualified personnel hiring
- decreasing the morbidity of population and increasing the life hope for research activity (legislative restriction and poor pay for
-increasing the research and development capacity regarding the young researchers)/
integration in high scientific level consortia for development of specific Hugh personnel fluctuation/
UE policies This risk type is major and will be decreased by adequate
politics of recruitment and a motivating salary

Consolidation of Barriers: Lack of funding
Social Built enviroment Administrative building Academy for Strengthening administrative building (Heritage Site) whose resistance
Infrastructur and urban Public of Academy for Agriculture and structure was affected by successive earthquakes in 1940, No Proposal 6 2.5 Solution: Structural and national
e services Agriculture and Sciences 1977, 1990 funds
Forestry Sciences

Capacity building for
Social reducing response time Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Infrastructur Other Public and increasing Internal Infrastructure No applied to be funded 116 100 authority agrees the project
e resilience in emergency Affairs from FESI
Social Modernizing MAI Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Infrastructur Health Public health Internal Infrastructure No applied to be funded 19 10 authority agrees the project
e infrastructure Affairs from FESI
Modernization of health
Social by equipping with Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Infrastructur Health Public diagnostic equipment Internal Infrastructure No applied to be funded 18 10 authority agrees the project
e and treatment of high Affairs from FESI
Modernization of health
by equipping with
Social Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
diagnostic equipment
Infrastructur Health Public and treatment of high Internal Infrastructure No applied to be funded 20 10 authority agrees the project
e performance Affairs from FESI
Modernization and

development of Police
Academy for providing
Social Education higher education Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Infrastructur and Public according European Internal Infrastructure No applied to be funded 12 1 authority agrees the project
e training standards (upgrading Affairs from FESI
accommodation, sports,
shooting range)
Modernization and
development of ISOP in
Social Education Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
order to ensure
Infrastructur and Public continuous training Internal Infrastructure No applied to be funded 10 1 authority agrees the project
e training Affairs from FESI
according European
Social Education Modernization school Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Infrastructur and Public by developing the Internal Infrastructure No applied to be funded 10 1 authority agrees the project
training Centre
e training Restoration of Affairs from FESI
Social Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Infrastructur Built enviroment Public historic buildings Internal Developing the infrastructures No applied to be funded 11 5 authority agrees the project
under the
e Affairs from FESI
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