Page 149 - ePaper
P. 149
Transport Cooridors public Creating a fast road MT / The Bucharest Bypass at motorway profile represents a vital Yes Preparation of feasibility 1560 1560 Barrier no. 1: Relatively short time for preparing the feasibility
and mission connection between 5 CNADNR investment for the largest urban centre in Romania and South-Eastern study for 101 km study
links motorways which Europe, with a very high economic potential. The Bucharest ring road is Solution: Elaboration of terms of reference for the study and
converge with the situated on the TEN-T Core Network and it will connect five motorways, selection of a consultant
capital Bucharest, by being at the junction of corridors with important flows (North-South and Barrier no. 2: Long period of time in organizing the
implementing the East-West). The motorway bypass of a urban and economic centre of procurement procedure for attributing the works contract
project 'Bucharest Ring' the size of Bucharest would have a positive economic impact, with Solution: Elaboration of the public procurement
Motorway perspectives for the multiplication of major benefits. The project documentation and implementation of the procedure by the
(Annex 1) encompasses two motorway sectors (North Ring 53 km and South Ring use of contracted experts
48 km) with a total length of 101 km. Barrier no.3:
Constructors’ poor technical capacity for performing the
Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
that they have the necessary resources for performing the
Barrier no.4: Reduced administrative capacity of the
Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
specialized in project implementation
Transport Cooridors public Upgrading the rail MT / The railway is part of the northern link which connects two old Yes Preparation of feasibility 4315 4315 Barrier no.1: Reduced time for the implementation of projects
and corridor connection CN CFR Romanian provinces: Transilvania and Moldavia. It represents and old study for 655 km and preparing of the technical – economical documents
mission between Europe and route connecting major economic centres of Romania such as Oradea, Solution:
links Ukraine / Rep. Moldova Cluj Napoca, Suceava and Iasi, with high economic development Dividing the railway works into sections of approximately 50-
by modernizing the potential and with high human potential specialized in the above 100 km and elaboration of terms of reference with expert
railway 'Euro mentioned university centres. The railway is electrified on two thirds of assistance
Transylvania Rail' at a its 655 km length and double track on aproximately one third of its Barrier no. 2: Long period of time in organizing the
European standard, on length. It overlaps with the TEN-T Comprehensive Network between procurement procedure for attributing the works contract
the route Episcopia Ep.Bihor and Cluj Napoca with the TEN-T Core Network between Cluj Solution: Elaboration of the public procurement
Bihor - Oradea - Cluj Napoca and Iasi. documentation and implementation of the procedure by the
Napoca - Dej – Vatra use of contracted experts
Dornei - Suceava - Barrier no.3:
Pascani - Iasi – Ungheni Constructors’ poor technical capacity for performing the
with the branch to railway works
Vicsani. Solution:
(Annex 2) Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
that they have the necessary resources for performing the
Barrier no.4: Reduced administrative capacity of the
Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
specialized in project implementation
Transport Cooridors public Upgrading the railway MT / The railway is part of the IXth PanEuropean Corridor which connects Yes Rehabilitated railway 2800 2800 Barrier no.1: Lack of technical – economical documents
and corridor connecting CN CFR the North of Europe with the South-East of the continent. At European sector Bucuresti – necessary for the implementation of the project
mission southern Europe with level, it connects Ukraine and Moldavia with Bulgaria, Greece and Ploiesti (59 km) Solution: Elaboration of terms of reference for the technical –
links Ukraine / Rep. Moldova Turkey, via Romania. The railway corridor services urban centres of Preparation of feasibility economical documents and immediate organization of
to European standards both economic and socio-human importance, with high development study for consultant procurement
by modernizing the potential. The existing rail track is double and electrified between 520 km of rehabilitation Barrier no. 2 - Reduced time for the implementation of
railway 'North - South Suceava North and Bucharest – 450 km from the total of 579 km. The projects
Rail' on the route entire Corridor between Vicsani and Giurgiu is situated on the TEN-T Solution:
Vicsani - Suceava - Core Network. Dividing the railway works into sections of approximately 50-
Bacau - Focsani - Buzau 100 km
- Ploiesti - Bucharest - Barrier no. 3 Organizing the public procurement for the works
Giurgiu, overlapping Solution: Elaboration of procurement documents and
with the Pan European implementation of procedure through specialized
Corridor IX. consultancy
(Annex 2) Barrier no.4: Constructors’ poor technical capacity for
performing the railway works
Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
that they have the necessary resources for performing the
Barrier no.5:
Reduced administrative capacity of the beneficiaries
Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
specialized in project implementation
Transport Cooridors public Closing the gap in the MT / The road bridge links Constanta Port with the IXth Pan European Yes Feasibility study 496 496 Barrier no.1: Organizing the public procurement for works
and road connection corridor CNADNR Corridor, through the connection between the Expressway Constanta – prepared for the Solution: Elaboration of procurement documents and
mission between the Black Sea Tulcea – Braila and the Expressways Braila – Buzau and Braila – construction of the implementation of procedure through specialized
links and the northern part of Focsani which are situated on the TEN-T Comprehensive network. The bridge consultancy
the continent and bridge will have 4 traffic lanes on a length of 2500 m, with a span of Barrier no .2: Constructors’ poor technical capacity for
between the Port of 1500 m over the Danube. performing the railway works
Constanta / Romanian Solution:
Black Sea coast and Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
Moldavia, Rep. Moldova that they have the necessary resources for performing the
and Ukraine through the works
construction of the Barrier no. 3: Reduced administrative capacity of the
Danube road bridge at beneficiaries
Braila - Galati. Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
(Annex 1) specialized in project implementation
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Transport Cooridors public Creating a fast road MT / The Bucharest Bypass at motorway profile represents a vital Yes Preparation of feasibility 1560 1560 Barrier no. 1: Relatively short time for preparing the feasibility
and mission connection between 5 CNADNR investment for the largest urban centre in Romania and South-Eastern study for 101 km study
links motorways which Europe, with a very high economic potential. The Bucharest ring road is Solution: Elaboration of terms of reference for the study and
converge with the situated on the TEN-T Core Network and it will connect five motorways, selection of a consultant
capital Bucharest, by being at the junction of corridors with important flows (North-South and Barrier no. 2: Long period of time in organizing the
implementing the East-West). The motorway bypass of a urban and economic centre of procurement procedure for attributing the works contract
project 'Bucharest Ring' the size of Bucharest would have a positive economic impact, with Solution: Elaboration of the public procurement
Motorway perspectives for the multiplication of major benefits. The project documentation and implementation of the procedure by the
(Annex 1) encompasses two motorway sectors (North Ring 53 km and South Ring use of contracted experts
48 km) with a total length of 101 km. Barrier no.3:
Constructors’ poor technical capacity for performing the
Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
that they have the necessary resources for performing the
Barrier no.4: Reduced administrative capacity of the
Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
specialized in project implementation
Transport Cooridors public Upgrading the rail MT / The railway is part of the northern link which connects two old Yes Preparation of feasibility 4315 4315 Barrier no.1: Reduced time for the implementation of projects
and corridor connection CN CFR Romanian provinces: Transilvania and Moldavia. It represents and old study for 655 km and preparing of the technical – economical documents
mission between Europe and route connecting major economic centres of Romania such as Oradea, Solution:
links Ukraine / Rep. Moldova Cluj Napoca, Suceava and Iasi, with high economic development Dividing the railway works into sections of approximately 50-
by modernizing the potential and with high human potential specialized in the above 100 km and elaboration of terms of reference with expert
railway 'Euro mentioned university centres. The railway is electrified on two thirds of assistance
Transylvania Rail' at a its 655 km length and double track on aproximately one third of its Barrier no. 2: Long period of time in organizing the
European standard, on length. It overlaps with the TEN-T Comprehensive Network between procurement procedure for attributing the works contract
the route Episcopia Ep.Bihor and Cluj Napoca with the TEN-T Core Network between Cluj Solution: Elaboration of the public procurement
Bihor - Oradea - Cluj Napoca and Iasi. documentation and implementation of the procedure by the
Napoca - Dej – Vatra use of contracted experts
Dornei - Suceava - Barrier no.3:
Pascani - Iasi – Ungheni Constructors’ poor technical capacity for performing the
with the branch to railway works
Vicsani. Solution:
(Annex 2) Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
that they have the necessary resources for performing the
Barrier no.4: Reduced administrative capacity of the
Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
specialized in project implementation
Transport Cooridors public Upgrading the railway MT / The railway is part of the IXth PanEuropean Corridor which connects Yes Rehabilitated railway 2800 2800 Barrier no.1: Lack of technical – economical documents
and corridor connecting CN CFR the North of Europe with the South-East of the continent. At European sector Bucuresti – necessary for the implementation of the project
mission southern Europe with level, it connects Ukraine and Moldavia with Bulgaria, Greece and Ploiesti (59 km) Solution: Elaboration of terms of reference for the technical –
links Ukraine / Rep. Moldova Turkey, via Romania. The railway corridor services urban centres of Preparation of feasibility economical documents and immediate organization of
to European standards both economic and socio-human importance, with high development study for consultant procurement
by modernizing the potential. The existing rail track is double and electrified between 520 km of rehabilitation Barrier no. 2 - Reduced time for the implementation of
railway 'North - South Suceava North and Bucharest – 450 km from the total of 579 km. The projects
Rail' on the route entire Corridor between Vicsani and Giurgiu is situated on the TEN-T Solution:
Vicsani - Suceava - Core Network. Dividing the railway works into sections of approximately 50-
Bacau - Focsani - Buzau 100 km
- Ploiesti - Bucharest - Barrier no. 3 Organizing the public procurement for the works
Giurgiu, overlapping Solution: Elaboration of procurement documents and
with the Pan European implementation of procedure through specialized
Corridor IX. consultancy
(Annex 2) Barrier no.4: Constructors’ poor technical capacity for
performing the railway works
Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
that they have the necessary resources for performing the
Barrier no.5:
Reduced administrative capacity of the beneficiaries
Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
specialized in project implementation
Transport Cooridors public Closing the gap in the MT / The road bridge links Constanta Port with the IXth Pan European Yes Feasibility study 496 496 Barrier no.1: Organizing the public procurement for works
and road connection corridor CNADNR Corridor, through the connection between the Expressway Constanta – prepared for the Solution: Elaboration of procurement documents and
mission between the Black Sea Tulcea – Braila and the Expressways Braila – Buzau and Braila – construction of the implementation of procedure through specialized
links and the northern part of Focsani which are situated on the TEN-T Comprehensive network. The bridge consultancy
the continent and bridge will have 4 traffic lanes on a length of 2500 m, with a span of Barrier no .2: Constructors’ poor technical capacity for
between the Port of 1500 m over the Danube. performing the railway works
Constanta / Romanian Solution:
Black Sea coast and Setting criteria for the selection of constructors able to prove
Moldavia, Rep. Moldova that they have the necessary resources for performing the
and Ukraine through the works
construction of the Barrier no. 3: Reduced administrative capacity of the
Danube road bridge at beneficiaries
Braila - Galati. Solution: Procurement of consultancy services for experts
(Annex 1) specialized in project implementation
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