Page 139 - ePaper
P. 139
Country : Portugal
Project list
• Given the present constraints, the list is not a firm commitment, but represents the best information as of today
• There was an effort to make the list, as comprehensive and information rich as possible, in a short period of time which means that some details may be object of review, later on. It is not a firm commitment
• This is an assortment of projects, not an extensive list,
• A compilation of private investments was integrated on the list as insight to private investment trends. For confidentiality reasons those are given in aggregate terms.
Sector Subsector Private/Public Project name Implementing national Description Included in Status Total invest-ment Investment in Barriers/solutions
/PPP agency national cost (EUR bn) 2015 – 2017
investment (EUR bn)
plan (yes/no)

5. Resources xiii. Resilience to 3. Public Primary Network Instituto da Conservação da The Primary Network for Fuel Breaks Management (RPFGC) is a Yes Construction 0.035 0.025 Funding
and Climate Change for Fuel Breaks Natureza e Florestas fundamental tool for a controlled prevention in Forest defence undergoing
Environment Management against Fires (DFCI). With the reordering of the landscape with
fuel breaks, the development of major fires is prevented,
promoting the easier access to the combat vehicles and
interrupting the fire progression. Is also ensures a risk
management environment that is crucial for forest investment
promotion and attractiveness. The RPFGC is part of the DFCI
Regional Networks and due to its importance and cost, it is
assumed as a national priority.

5. Resources xiii. Resilience to 3. Public Coastal defence Environment Portuguese On-going consolidation of the Portuguese coast line through the Yes Assessment 1.200 0.300 Lack of projects national co-financing
and Climate Change and Protection Agency and Municipalities/ fight of coastal erosion, progressively decreasing the need of completed technical complexity of the projects and solutions
Environment Ministry of Environment and reactive interventions to protect the coast line and their
Energy populations and economic activities facing coastal erosion.
Two major categories of investments are highlighted:
- Hard coastal defence works (groins and breakwaters, etc.)
- Constant sediments supply
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