Page 123 - ePaper
P. 123
Country : Portugal
Project list
• Given the present constraints, the list is not a firm commitment, but represents the best information as of today
• There was an effort to make the list, as comprehensive and information rich as possible, in a short period of time which means that some details may be object of review, later on. It is not a firm commitment
• This is an assortment of projects, not an extensive list,
• A compilation of private investments was integrated on the list as insight to private investment trends. For confidentiality reasons those are given in aggregate terms.
Sector Subsector Private/Public Project name Implementing national Description Included in Status Total invest-ment Investment in Barriers/solutions
/PPP agency national cost (EUR bn) 2015 – 2017
investment (EUR bn)
plan (yes/no)

1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 2. Public and Interoperability AMA, I.P. Promote and establish a network of interoperability among the Yes (partially) On-going 0.005 0.005 Funding / stakeholders' involvement
and Digital private Platform public and the private entities.
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Portugal - Spain Private Promoter/ Portugal - Spain interconnection Yes Study/ preparation 0.095 0.053 environmental impact assessment
production Interconnection Ministry of Environment and
(electricity) Portugal-Spain Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Cluster Capacity Private Promoter/ New internal lines Yes Study/ preparation 0.417 0.269 environmental impact assessment
production Increase at PT/ ES Ministry of Environment and
(electricity) border Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Phase B and C of Private Promoter/ Fase B of eolic electric energy public tender launched in 2006 Yes Stand By 0.680 0.680 F+K35unding
production wind power tender Ministry of Environment and (388 MW)
(electricity) Energy Fase C of eolic electric energy public tender launched in 2008
(150 MW);
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Biomass power Private Promoter/ Construction of new biomass plants totalling 80 MW resulting Yes In the licensing 0.160 0.160
production plants tender Ministry of Environment and from the tender of biomass released in 2006 process
(electricity) Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Large hydro power Private Promoter/ Construction of 78 MW of small hydro power stations that are Yes In the licensing 0.160 0.160
production plants tender Ministry of Environment and part of a tender launched in 2010 process
(electricity) Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Large hydro power Private Promoter/ 7 new hydroelectric projects with 815 MW up to 2018 Yes Stand By 1.210 0.605 Lack of risk taking willingness from private sector,
production plants Ministry of Environment and lack of investment funding, lack of social
(electricity) Energy awareness
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Connection to Private Promoter/ Reinforcement of the transmission network for integration of Yes Study/ preparation 0.223 0.148 Environmental impact assessment
production Special Regime Ministry of Environment and new Special Regime Production (renewables and cogeneration)
(electricity) Production Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Binding Distribution Private Promoter/ Strengthening of supply conditions Yes Study/ preparation 0.370 0.164
production Ministry of Environment and
(electricity) Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Refurbishment of Private Promoter/ Replacement of equipment at end of life Yes Study/ preparation 0.159 0.143
production facilities Ministry of Environment and
(electricity) Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Connecting to final Private Promoter/ Connection to the transport network of clients in high voltage Yes Study/ preparation 0.022 0.000
production consumers Ministry of Environment and
(electricity) Energy
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Reactive Private Promoter/ Improve reactive management conditions in the transport Yes Study/ preparation 0.268 0.110
production Compensation, Ministry of Environment and network, information systems and the environment
(electricity) Information Energy
Systems and Socio-
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Security of Supply Private Promoter/ Ensure the reception and delivery of electricity in accordance Yes Study/ preparation 0.095 0.057
production Ministry of Environment and with the safety standards and regulations
(electricity) Energy

2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Technical Service Private Promoter/ Maintain current levels of technical quality of service. Increasing Yes Study/ preparation 0.208 0.125
production Quality Ministry of Environment and the resilience of networks in areas most exposed to exceptional
(electricity) Energy weather events. Improved continuity of power supply.
2. Energy Union iv. Connections and 1. Private Operational Private Promoter/ Enhance the reduction of operating costs. Improve the levels of Yes Study/ preparation 0.252 0.155
production efficiency / Ministry of Environment and losses in the distribution network
(electricity) Network and Energy
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