Page 121 - ePaper
P. 121
Country : Portugal
Project list
• Given the present constraints, the list is not a firm commitment, but represents the best information as of today
• There was an effort to make the list, as comprehensive and information rich as possible, in a short period of time which means that some details may be object of review, later on. It is not a firm commitment
• This is an assortment of projects, not an extensive list,
• A compilation of private investments was integrated on the list as insight to private investment trends. For confidentiality reasons those are given in aggregate terms.
Sector Subsector Private/Public Project name Implementing national Description Included in Status Total invest-ment Investment in Barriers/solutions
/PPP agency national cost (EUR bn) 2015 – 2017
investment (EUR bn)
plan (yes/no)
1. Knowledge i. Public R&D 3. Public E-Gov Research AMA, I.P. E-Gov research; impact assessment; reducing administrative No Not Applicable 0.005 0.005 Funding
and Digital burden.
1. Knowledge i. Public R&D 2. Public and Roteiro Nacional de Ministry of Education and Integrated in the European Network ESFRI (Strategic Forum for Yes Assessment 0.320 0.250 Funding
and Digital private Infraestruturas de Cience Research Infrastructure), identified and selected/ 40 R&D complete
Economy I&D infrastructure to be built and supported until 2018. Promotes the
use of combined sources of financing and responds to the
different needs of the different stakeholders involved in R&D + I
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 2. Public and Smart systems and Direção-Geral do Território Channelling investments for the implementation of smart urban no under preparation 0.010 0.005 Funding
and Digital private sustainable cities (DGT) solutions and to the implementation of knowledge tools for the
Economy sustainable urban development, based on CIT
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 2. Public and Broad Band Operators/ Implementation of broadband infrastructure (fixed and mobile) Yes Study/ preparation 0.300 0.150 EU Funding + Private/bank funding
and Digital private Implementation Ministry of Transports,
Economy Infrastructure and
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 1. Private Multiple projects - N.A. Multiple projects/ Electric and Electronics - ICT projects - Facilities and No Not Applicable 0.054 0.050 Fluctuating demand; cost and terms of funding;
and Digital Electric and AICEP infrastructures; R&D; Innovation; Production technologies;
Economy Electronics - ICT Machinery and equipment; New products; Packaging;
projects Certifications
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 1. Private Multiple projects - N.A. Multiple projects/ Facilities and infrastructures; Efficiency and optimization; No Not Applicable 0.145 0.096 Cost and terms of funding
and Digital ICT Facilities and AICEP Innovation; New products; Information and communications
Economy Infrastructure technologies;
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 2. Public and Building an Secretary of State for Culture Creating a digital framework for archives and management of no Study 0.015 0.008 EU Funding (solution/ enabler)
and Digital private innovative digital formation and knowledge in education and culture for ages
Economy framework for between 6 and 18 years old
children and young
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public National court
and Digital management IGFEJ/Ministry of Justice National court management information system no Study/ preparation 0.020 0.020 Funding
system information
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public Multiple Projects Employment and Vocational ICT networks; digital services infrastructures; Funding
and Digital on Public Training Training Institute (IEFP) upgrade&improvement of the layout training workshops,
Economy and Employment laboratories, scientific teaching equipment, training machinery, Yes Study/ preparation 0.160 0.120
Centres computer rooms, fab labs, mobile robots, building drones
equipment and 3D printers
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public digital integration Employment and Vocational Investments on e-government; e-learning and b-learning; Funding
and Digital Training Institute (IEFP) digitalising education; vocational training on digital competences Yes Study/ preparation 0.120 0.090
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public Aproximar Aproximar Team / AMA, I.P. Provide widespread assisted digital services to the citizens; Yes (partially) On-going 0.085 0.060 Funding
and Digital expand public one-stop-shops network
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public Digital Strategy for Cross-sector Strategy / Digitize all public services that are digitizable, including points of Yes (partially) On-going 0.050 0.030 Funding / stakeholders' involvement
and Digital the Public Sector Overseen by the single contact for citizens and businesses.
Economy Interministerial Network for
Administrative Modernization -
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public PGERRTIC Cross-sector Programme / Optimize the use of ICT in the Public Sector Yes (partially) On-going 0.015 0.015 Funding / stakeholders' involvement
and Digital Overseen by GPTIC
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public eID AMA, I.P. Expand the use of digital tools for online secure authentication; Yes (partially) On-going 0.005 0.005 Funding / public awareness
and Digital promote the use of electronic ID
Project list
• Given the present constraints, the list is not a firm commitment, but represents the best information as of today
• There was an effort to make the list, as comprehensive and information rich as possible, in a short period of time which means that some details may be object of review, later on. It is not a firm commitment
• This is an assortment of projects, not an extensive list,
• A compilation of private investments was integrated on the list as insight to private investment trends. For confidentiality reasons those are given in aggregate terms.
Sector Subsector Private/Public Project name Implementing national Description Included in Status Total invest-ment Investment in Barriers/solutions
/PPP agency national cost (EUR bn) 2015 – 2017
investment (EUR bn)
plan (yes/no)
1. Knowledge i. Public R&D 3. Public E-Gov Research AMA, I.P. E-Gov research; impact assessment; reducing administrative No Not Applicable 0.005 0.005 Funding
and Digital burden.
1. Knowledge i. Public R&D 2. Public and Roteiro Nacional de Ministry of Education and Integrated in the European Network ESFRI (Strategic Forum for Yes Assessment 0.320 0.250 Funding
and Digital private Infraestruturas de Cience Research Infrastructure), identified and selected/ 40 R&D complete
Economy I&D infrastructure to be built and supported until 2018. Promotes the
use of combined sources of financing and responds to the
different needs of the different stakeholders involved in R&D + I
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 2. Public and Smart systems and Direção-Geral do Território Channelling investments for the implementation of smart urban no under preparation 0.010 0.005 Funding
and Digital private sustainable cities (DGT) solutions and to the implementation of knowledge tools for the
Economy sustainable urban development, based on CIT
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 2. Public and Broad Band Operators/ Implementation of broadband infrastructure (fixed and mobile) Yes Study/ preparation 0.300 0.150 EU Funding + Private/bank funding
and Digital private Implementation Ministry of Transports,
Economy Infrastructure and
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 1. Private Multiple projects - N.A. Multiple projects/ Electric and Electronics - ICT projects - Facilities and No Not Applicable 0.054 0.050 Fluctuating demand; cost and terms of funding;
and Digital Electric and AICEP infrastructures; R&D; Innovation; Production technologies;
Economy Electronics - ICT Machinery and equipment; New products; Packaging;
projects Certifications
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 1. Private Multiple projects - N.A. Multiple projects/ Facilities and infrastructures; Efficiency and optimization; No Not Applicable 0.145 0.096 Cost and terms of funding
and Digital ICT Facilities and AICEP Innovation; New products; Information and communications
Economy Infrastructure technologies;
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 2. Public and Building an Secretary of State for Culture Creating a digital framework for archives and management of no Study 0.015 0.008 EU Funding (solution/ enabler)
and Digital private innovative digital formation and knowledge in education and culture for ages
Economy framework for between 6 and 18 years old
children and young
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public National court
and Digital management IGFEJ/Ministry of Justice National court management information system no Study/ preparation 0.020 0.020 Funding
system information
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public Multiple Projects Employment and Vocational ICT networks; digital services infrastructures; Funding
and Digital on Public Training Training Institute (IEFP) upgrade&improvement of the layout training workshops,
Economy and Employment laboratories, scientific teaching equipment, training machinery, Yes Study/ preparation 0.160 0.120
Centres computer rooms, fab labs, mobile robots, building drones
equipment and 3D printers
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public digital integration Employment and Vocational Investments on e-government; e-learning and b-learning; Funding
and Digital Training Institute (IEFP) digitalising education; vocational training on digital competences Yes Study/ preparation 0.120 0.090
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public Aproximar Aproximar Team / AMA, I.P. Provide widespread assisted digital services to the citizens; Yes (partially) On-going 0.085 0.060 Funding
and Digital expand public one-stop-shops network
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public Digital Strategy for Cross-sector Strategy / Digitize all public services that are digitizable, including points of Yes (partially) On-going 0.050 0.030 Funding / stakeholders' involvement
and Digital the Public Sector Overseen by the single contact for citizens and businesses.
Economy Interministerial Network for
Administrative Modernization -
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public PGERRTIC Cross-sector Programme / Optimize the use of ICT in the Public Sector Yes (partially) On-going 0.015 0.015 Funding / stakeholders' involvement
and Digital Overseen by GPTIC
1. Knowledge iii. ICT Infrastructure 3. Public eID AMA, I.P. Expand the use of digital tools for online secure authentication; Yes (partially) On-going 0.005 0.005 Funding / public awareness
and Digital promote the use of electronic ID