Page 57 - ePaper
P. 57
Transport Corridors public New Lock The Dutch and The project new lock Yes The Dutch and 1,1 0,2
and missing Terneuzen Flemish minister Terneuzen is a Dutch- Flemish The project organization
links of infrastructure Flemish flagship project minister of is currently preparing
agreed in 2012 which aims to improve the infrastructure tender documentation
that: The access for shipping to the decided in for a D&B contract.
Netherlands will Canal Ghent-Terneuzen and 2012 to start CEF/TEN-T financing
contribute 141.9 the ports of Ghent and up the planning will be requested for the
million euro. Terneuzen. The project is phase of the realization phase of the
- The expected to have a big project. The project.
government of positive economical impact planning phase Due to the investment
Flanders will in the area. The new lock has to result in needs (for example Port
add to the will be constructed in the a tender ready of Ghent has to finance
actual costs. actual lock complex of project and a their 15% share in the
The Ghent Port Terneuzen. preferred Flemish contribution)
Authority will design of the EU/EIB support is
contribute 15% new lock. critical.
of the Flemish The planning
contribution to phase is
the project expected to
(max. 120 end in 2015-
million euro). 2016 and will
Zeeland region be followed up
will contribute by a realization
10 million euro phase.
of the Dutch
contribution of
the project.

Transport Corridors public North-South Via-Invest Connection in the province yes Currently 0,6 0,2 Larger PPP project will
and missing private Limburg of Limburg tendered be difficult to fund
links (prequalificatio through club deal hence
n done, in bid EIB loans or credit
submission enhancement
phase) instruments at attractive
terms may facilitate PPP

Transport Urban public brabo 2 De Lijn tram & tramway Yes procurement 0,4 0,4 EIB loans or credit
transport private infrastructure phase enhancement
instruments at attractive
terms may facilitate PPP

Transport Corridors public N60 (Ronse) Via-Invest Ringway Ronse yes Currently 0,2 0,1 EIB loans or credit
and missing private tendered enhancement
links (prequalificatio instruments at attractive
n done, in bid terms may facilitate PPP
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