Page 52 - ePaper
P. 52
Resources and Natural public Regional BELSPO The objective of this project yes The 0,06 0,06 The Belgian Federal
environment resources: research (Belgian is to build a state of the art preliminary gouvernment would be
efficient and vessel Science Policy regional research vessel design study the principal operator of
secure Office) (65m) that would primarily and the ship. A good
availability operate in the North Eastern identification of exploitation model would
Atlantic region. The vessel is the needs has need to developed
an answer to current and been done. allowing European
future needs in Belgium, collaboration and
France an the Netherlands. exchange of ship time
As such, the vessel would e.g. by offering yearly a
be operated in an European number of campaigns
setting inducing further days (approximately
collaboration between these 100). With the private
member states and could sector, a cost based
serve as a role model for model must be
future European wide developed.
collaboration in the
exploitation of research
vessels. As exploitation of
the high seas and
specifically mineral
resources is currently a
coming field, ships of this
class are favoured by private
companies for exploration
purposes. Private public
partnerschips for the
exploration of these
resources can be invisaged.
The potential of a new
economic actvity and bloom
is considerable.

FLEMISH REGION 30,97 12,33

TRANSPORT 6,66 2,40
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