Page 505 - ePaper
P. 505
Included in investment Investment
in 2015 –
Sector Subsector Private / Project name Implementing agency Description national Status cost 2017 Barriers/solutions
Public / PPP investment
plan (yes/no) (EUR million) (EUR million)

Research and Infrastructure Initiative, the Irish Digital
Ocean (IDO), to develop the research and innovation
capacity to put in place an operational ocean
observation and predictive capacity and promote
Ireland as a centre and test-bed for ocean Included in
Natural observation, modelling and prediction and support the Government Marine
Resources and resources: development of advanced marine technologies in Strategy ('Harvesting
Environment efficient and Public Irish Digital Marine Institute Ireland. The IDO initiative will provide the data and Yes our Ocean Wealth')
secure Ocean information services platform to underpin the but public capitla
availability SmartOcean Ireland 2014-2020 Strategy which is expenditure allication
being developed by the Marine Coordination Groups is insufficient.
Development Task Force.
This is in line with EU priorities to improve public R&D
spending, and to lead the development of innovative
and environmentally sustainable research.

Potential Water Storage, treatment plant and pipeline.
Natural Irish Water is currently undertaking specialist surveys Specialist surveys to
Resources and resources: New Dublin to reassess the range of potential new supply options. reassess the range of
Environment efficient and private Water Supply Irish Water Previous preferred option involved abstraction of No potential new supply
secure water from Shannon, pumping it through a new options being
availability pipeline to a storage reservoir and then piped to the undertaken.
Dublin Region.
Natural Site has been chosen
Resources and resources: New Dublin for the project
Environment efficient and private Sewerage Plant Irish Water Treatment of Sewage No however Timeline
secure uncertain.
SUBTOTAL 1861.5 461

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