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P. 503
Included in investment Investment
in 2015 –
Sector Subsector Private / Project name Implementing agency Description national Status cost 2017 Barriers/solutions
Public / PPP investment
plan (yes/no) (EUR million) (EUR million)
Resources and resources: Agri Food Loan Irish Strategic Investment At discussion stage
Environment efficient and public private Fund Fund (ISIF) Agri-Food Loan Fund, with EIB as senior partner, and Iri No with EIB
Afforestation and the creation of woodland: Capital
investment required to fund an additional 8,000
hectares of forestry planting per annum. Included in Forestry
Forestry planting is in line with EU environmental Programme 2014-
priorities. It provides a long term economic return on 2020 Ireland;
incentivised to increase the area under forest in
Resources and Resilience to public private capital Department of investment, but private planting needs to be Yes submitted to the
Agriculture, Food and the
Environment Climate Change investment Marine Ireland from its current low base of 10.7% (EU average Commission in
38%) to contribute, inter alia, towards climate change accordance with EU
mitigation; to produce timber; to provide a Guidelines on State
sustainable source of roundwood for wood product Aid for agriculture
manufacture; to provide biomass for energy and forestry.
production; and to provide sustainable jobs in the
rural economy.
Assessment of
potential methods to
Resources and Resilience to private Afforestation and DAFM Afforestation No encourage further
Environment Climate Change thinning private sector
investment in
Capital projects in Fishery Harbour Centre (no
individual project expected to exceed €40m)
Further development of the Fishery Harbour Centres
Natural underpins the Government Strategy to provide
Resources and resources: Investment in Department of international best practice facilities for a modern Public capital
Environment efficient and public State owned Agriculture, Food and the offshore fishing fleet and develop a modern on shore No expenditure
allocation is
Fishery Harbour
secure Centres Marine processing industry, in addition to attracting increased insufficient.
availability numbers of landings from foreign vessels from inside
and outside the European Union. Investments will lead
to diversification of industry and support job creation
in remote rural communities.

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