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P. 488
Note that the table contains projects that were proposed as illustrative projects for the Ecofin Task Force on Developing Investment Project Pipeline in the EU. The implementation of the projects is subject to a case by case decision of the Government of Hungary, taking into account availability of funding (including European Structu
Investment Funds and Connecting Europe Facility). The table is not intended to be an exhaustive list of projects that could benefit from EU support.
Included in Total Investment in
No. Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementing agency Description investment plan Status cost (EUR bn) 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
(EUR bn)
Ministerial commissioner No (yes/no) Under ministerial-level control, the Jedlik Ányos Cluster was founded by Beyond the essential social awareness-raising, the financial incentives of using vehicles
The objective of the project is to support the spread of electric mobility in Hungary. In order to reach this objective companies engaged in various activities in the field of electric mobility, alternatively fuelled the development of filling station network and the review of the
there is a need for significant development to reach the European average of electric vehicle stock in Hungary. whose members are involved in the development of the plan. The next operational and control system is required
Defining the regulations and support framework is also required. In order to enable electric car to become a realistic step is when the government approves the plan.
Knowledge and the alternative and improve the accessibility of the country by electric vehicle it is inevitable to develop the domestic
1. digital economy Public R&D Jedlik Ányos Plan filling station system. (currently there are 30-40 filling stations across the country, but in order to reach the objective 0.11 0.05
there is a need to build up thousands of them.) Moreover in order to maximize the industrial development potential
of electric mobility it is important to prepare the Hungarian vehicle industry and in broader terms the related
economic actors to be able to get involved in the implementation of the Plan at supplier and manufacturer level as
Ministry of Human The ELI – Extreme Light Infrastructure – will be one of the large research facilities of the European Union. Through Yes Investment decision taken has been prepared. The project is planned Lack of long term finance.A project management unit will supervise the project’s planning
Resources this, the first structure in the world for studying the interaction between light and matter with ultrahigh intensity within the EDIOP. and implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant
laser will be created with Hungarian cooperation by Szeged. The most significant centre for attosecond pulse light Ministries.
research will operate in Szeged, a reasearch university center in Hungary.
In order to make full use of the ELI investment in Szeged and to ensure that the technology and knowledge transfers
2. Knowledge and the Public R&D ELI Science Park are conducted in an effective manner supporting facilities have to be created in the form of a science-park and 0.6 0.6
digital economy
incubator house. This way ELI will not only be basic research infrastructure but a catalyst of economic growth.
European-wide E- Ministry of Human The promotion of e-mobility is our common interest and therefore joint action has to be taken. No No investment decision taken has been prepared, concept is to be Lack of long term finance.A project management unit will supervise the project’s planning
Resources ( public & higher
and implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant
3. Knowledge and the Public R&D mobility Strategy to be education) Ministry for 0.8 0.3 Ministries.
digital economy conducted and
implemented National Economy
(vocational training)
Ministerial commissioner The meaning of an “open lab” is that a laboratory or a research infrastructure or a related research service in a public Yes An “open lab” and – for the use of it – a so-called “voucher” system will Problems: The SME’s are either inadequately or not equipped with modern equipment.
research organisation or a large enterprise is open to everybody, i.e.,, from private persons through individual be introduced in the framework of the “pilot” project to be established The SME’s have not sufficient money to finance such kind of services.
entrepreneurs to SMEs. Access will be thus granted to such equipment that can help everybody develop a new along the national priorities developed in the smart specialisation Solutions: The introduction of “open laboratories” will significantly increase the number
technology, product or service. The “open laboratory” promotes the networking and partnering between higher strategy (S3) process. “Open lab” may be a laboratory with technological and success of undertakings and organisation engaged (also) in R&D and innovation. They
education institutions, academic research organisations, public non-profit research organisations, other public equipment, engaged in a research direction stipulated in the national support the innovation activities of undertakings (mainly SMEs) that are either
research organisations, research and technological centres, large enterprises and micro-, small- and medium-sized priorities. (an (an inadequately or not equipped with modern equipment. The small- and medium-sized
Knowledge and the enterprises. “Open laboratories” enable a local content, which is higher than the current one, and the increase in A laboratory would be established by opening an already existing approximate approximated enterprises could win vouchers by tendering procedure, which would serve as a means of
4. digital economy Public R&D Open Laboratories Hungarian value-added deliveries to multinational companies. Furthermore, “open laboratories” could be an research infrastructure during the “pilot”. In this context, the “open lab” d amount will amount will be payment in order to obtain various RDI services (order of R&D, meas
implementation site for “open innovation” efforts (they can also play the role of a so-called “living lab”). This includes
should be designed as a pilot program in the Operational Programmes
the development and marketisation of a new prototype, ensuring technical/engineering
in particular the cases where a company opens up a problem to be solved or a R&D. The research and development (e.g. EDIOP) be available) available) background) from the “open laboratories”. The sources required for extending and
task can be carried out by the innovative SMEs in the “open lab”. Another aim of the “open laboratories” is to maintaining the “open laboratories” could be obtained from the operating income of the
support the studies and researches and contribute to the education and training of the “personnel” working in the voucher system.
laboratory, i.e., the talented students, doctoral students carrying out their research there. New undertakings, spin-
offs can be established a result of the R&D outcomes achieved in the “open laboratories”.
Ministerial commissioner In the framework of FIEK, a broad cooperation between the industry and higher education sectors will be established Yes FIEK program will be introduced in the framework of the “pilot” project Problems:
along the national priorities formulated in the smart specialisation strategy. The aim of the FIEK is to develop sectorial to be established along the national priorities developed in the smart · The weaknesses of knowledge bases and knowledge production: knowledge-
training and R&D&I activities in a co-ordinated way, which is aligned with economic interests. Several higher specialisation strategy (S3) process. intensive economic processes with higher added value will be slow to emerge if the supply
education institutions, research institutes, sectorial large enterprises and small- and medium-sized enterprises of researchers is weak, scientific and technological education faces difficulties, and
participate in the cooperation. The participants in FIEK aim to jointly develop the curricula and education methods of internationally competitive research centres are missing. Knowledge production will be
subjects that meet the technological needs of the sector, to harmonize their accreditation activities, to develop the alienated from society if it fails to reflect society's needs.
common structure and content of the practice-oriented (so-called dual) education. • The shortcomings in knowledge flow, knowledge and technology transfer: if the
institutions and organisations of knowledge transfer are weak or are unable to transfer the
5. Knowledge and the Public R&D Higher Education and 0.17 n.a knowledge created by research and development in an economically usable way, this can
Industrial cooperation
create a bottleneck which complicates the production of higher added value or, in a
digital economy Centre (FIEK) broader sense, the economic catching-up of the country
• FIEK is to be expected that the the cooperation will promote the strengthening of the
Hungarian industry in the field of European R&D&I. The participants in FIEK build a strong
relationship with state institutions, professional organisations, in order to facilitate the
development of the sector and to ensure to meet economic interests in the best way
• It is also the aim that participants in FIEK should jointly take part in European Union
tenders, reinforcing each other to have a higher chance of winning.
Knowledge and the paperless higher Ministry of Human The full digitalisation of the higher education system is aiming to reduce costs and improve effectiveness. No Investment decision taken has been prepared Lack of long term finance.A project management unit will supervise the project’s planning
6. digital economy Public R&D education and e-learning Resources 0.4 0.4 and implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant
and implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant
Knowledge and the New KIC to be launched European Commission- EIT The Automotive Industry has a significant part in the European Economy, where most of the Member States are NO No investment decision taken has been prepared, concept is to be Lack of long term finance.A project management unit will supervise the project’s pl
affected. Globally (Japan, South Korea, US, China) there is an increasing competition in this industrial sector. A Top-
7. digital economy Public & Private R&D in 2017 on Automotive down RDI focuses program, such as a KIC, could contribute greatly to the competitiveness of this industry. 2.0 1 Ministries.
Ministry of National To cover the whole country with a big bandwidth (minimum 30 Mbps) already in 2018. This will be achieved by the No Planning and preparation in progress The tender concerning the project Lack of private investment on certain areas The decrease the number of NGA “white
Development construction of New Generation Networks (NGA, NGN). will open in Q2 2015 spots” in order to enable Hungary’s new generation broadband networks and their
capacities throughout the country’s settlements to satisfy increased intensity of use and
broadband infrastructure registration system and a map-based database is needed to
8. Knowledge and the ICT Infrastructure Super fast internet 0.7 0.6 bandwidth Lack of adequate information about New Generation infrastructures A detailed
digital economy
establish Regulatory barriers t is necessary to remove the obstacles from the regulatory
environment of network building, to elaborate a competition and investment incentive
regulatory model.
Romanian – Hungarian Natural Gas Transmission New onshore pipeline of 6km and with a daily capacity of 4.55 MCM/day. The power of the compressor station no pre-feasibility No obstacles known presently
Connections and reverse flow at Closed Company (FGSZ located in either Algyő or Csanádpalota will be of 17.1MW
9. Energy Union production Csanádpalota or Algyő Ltd.) 0.02 n.a
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