Page 391 - ePaper
P. 391
Sector Subsector Private/Pu Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
blic/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment cost 2017
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)

Knowledge and Private R&D private ALPHAKAT Private developer ALPHAKAT offer an alternative to the no planning and building of a 5.0 5.0 Lack of long term finance and
the Digital (Alphakat GmbH) usual processes of pyrolysis, incineration, pilot plant coordination and permitting problem.
Economy gasification and organic disposal: a
modern Imitation of the way oil was
produced by the planet Earth; a catalytic
process during which a toxic CO2
atmosphere was converted into the life-
supporting high oxygen atmosphere of
The current methods of combustion of
fossils fuels such as oil, gas and waste
are arduous with complex filters to
remove harmful residues from exhaust
Thanks to a process learned from nature
itseif, it is now possible to dispose of
fossil waste without emissions, toxic
substances or toxic residues. It can be
applied to the waste resulting from
domestic waste, plastic such as bottles or
packaging, organic waste such as fruit or
plants, or the waste resulting from crude
oil processing, e.g. bitumen.

Knowledge and ICT private Extending broadband Federal level privat investment required to extend 20.0 low profitability
the Digital Infrastructure coverage. broadband coverage
Knowledge and ICT private Broadband NRW private developers extension of broad band for fixed yes planning and starting in 2015 3.4 2.8 lack of long-term financing
the Digital Infrastructure networks in NRW for 100% households
Economy and covering a large area of industrial
estates with 100 Mbit/s
Knowledge and ICT public Rollout of smart digital Federal level With a partnership for the rollout of smart No planning process just started 0.5 0.2 Low population density in regions along
the Digital Infrastructure private networks in basis sectors in digital networks in basis sectors such as the French-German border, High
Economy under-served areas along education, health, transport, energy and investment costs in infrastructure, but
the Franco-German border public administration we will push forward unnecessary redundances, if there was
the rollout of broadband networks in no border, different technical Standards,
under-served areas along the Franco- Language barrier
German border. Additionally, we stimulate
demand for brandband access with a
crossborder regional test area for
eHealth, eLearning, eMobility,
eGovernment, eProcurement etc.

Knowledge and ICT Private Maritimer Daten-Higway dasNetz AG in Mobile coastal broadband services for no in development 0.0 0.0 Open questions concerning locations for
the Digital Infrastructure Norddeutschland cooperation with the ships and mobile customers. infrastructure and necessary
Economy federal state of permissions. Total investment costs of 5
Schleswig-Holstein mio. Euro over 5 years.

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