Page 390 - ePaper
P. 390
Sector Subsector Private/Pu Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
blic/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment cost 2017
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)

Knowledge and Public R&D public Zwanzig20 - partnership for Federal level The program supplements the Yes started in 2013 0.5 0.5 interruptive innovation
the Digital private innovation (Twenty20 – promotion programme of
Economy Partnership for Innovation – “Unternehmen Region”
The Programme) (Entrepreneurial Regions) targeted at
the Eastern German Länder with a
new approach geared to national,
inter-, trans- and multi-disciplinary
cooperations between the partners,
and which is committed to openness
and transparency.
Knowledge and Public R&D public Zentren für Federal level The programme "Centres for Yes anounced 0.2 0.2 high-level research
the Digital Innovationskompetenz Innovation Competence" turns
Economy (Centres for Innovation outstanding research approaches at
Competence) universities and research institutions
in the New German Länder into
internationally renowned centres.
Excellent and internationally
competitive research as well as
"innovation competence" or the ability
to transfer research findings to the
economy are decisive for these
centres, which should also act as a
magnet for young scientists.

Knowledge and Public R&D public „Nationale Federal level Extension of the National Innovation no preparatory negotiations 3.0 1.0 financial barriers
the Digital private Innovationsprogramm Program "Hydrogen and fuel cell
Economy Wasserstoff- und technology II" between the federal
Brennstoffzellentechnologie government and industry beyond 2016
II“ (NIP II) with the aim to speed up the marketability
of the technology.

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