Page 33 - ePaper
P. 33
Transport public Express Infrabel / SNCB This project is the most Yes Under 0,87 0,37 - lack of financing The city of
Regional important rail passengers construction Brussels is facing
Network (RER - project in Belgium. The aim serious mobility
RĂ©seau is to create an suburban challenges. The
Express railway network in and increase numbers
RĂ©gional) around Brussels (30 km of commuters
range/radius). The RER will travelling to and
combines speed and from Brussels
frequency. The separation of every day cause a
direct trains and slower local lot of traffic
trains is therefore absolutely congestion and
necessary. Infrabel will put huge pressure
double the capacity on the on public
major railway axes around transport. This
Brussels. RER lines will project will
have 4 tracks rather than 2 increase the
tracks, allowing RER trains modal shift and
to stop more frequently by therefore help to
using their own tracks reduce the
without affecting other direct congestion on
train traffic. highways.
This project is ongoing This project will
(more than 50% achieved), also highly
and will be completed by contribute to
2025. This project has also a reduce
clearl dependency with the greenhouse gas
project "Capacity increase of emissions.
the North-South Junction in
Regional important rail passengers construction Brussels is facing
Network (RER - project in Belgium. The aim serious mobility
RĂ©seau is to create an suburban challenges. The
Express railway network in and increase numbers
RĂ©gional) around Brussels (30 km of commuters
range/radius). The RER will travelling to and
combines speed and from Brussels
frequency. The separation of every day cause a
direct trains and slower local lot of traffic
trains is therefore absolutely congestion and
necessary. Infrabel will put huge pressure
double the capacity on the on public
major railway axes around transport. This
Brussels. RER lines will project will
have 4 tracks rather than 2 increase the
tracks, allowing RER trains modal shift and
to stop more frequently by therefore help to
using their own tracks reduce the
without affecting other direct congestion on
train traffic. highways.
This project is ongoing This project will
(more than 50% achieved), also highly
and will be completed by contribute to
2025. This project has also a reduce
clearl dependency with the greenhouse gas
project "Capacity increase of emissions.
the North-South Junction in