Page 29 - ePaper
P. 29
Transport public Increase in the Infrabel Access to the Rechteroever Yes Under 0,22 0,00 - lack of financing The main
capacity of is via the L27A, which construction objective is the
access to the connects a series of lines to increase in railway
port of Antwerp the port of Antwerp. This capacity (mainly
single access suffers in during the freight
particular from cross-overs rush hour) leaving
which limit capacity. from and going to
Two sites have been targets the port of
to successively remove Antwerp. This
cross-overs, namely Oude project will lead to
Landen and Krijgsbaan. a better
Together, they should connection of the
noticeably increase the port of Antwerp
port's access capacity, while with its hinterland
the construction of the and with the Rail
second access to the port of Freight Corridors
Antwerp is under way, which North Sea -
shall be timetabled at a later Mediterranean
date. and North Sea -
In addition, this programme Baltic. By
includes other investment improving the rail
needed to improve the connection to and
access to the port of from the port, this
Antwerp and investment project contributes
needed to improve and to a modal shift
optimise the railway from road to rail.
infrastructure in the port
Sub-projects :
(1) Increase in the capacity
of L27A - Y Krijgsbaan
(2) Increase in the capacity
of L27A - Y 'Oude Landen'
(3) Port of Antwerp : left
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