Page 23 - ePaper
P. 23
Transport public Gent - Infrabel To cope with increase of Yes Under 0,46 0,06 -lack of financing Several major
Zeebrugge traffics in Zeebrugge and construction traffic routes
line: increase ensure that trains can move combine on the
in capacity around smoothly in the railway line which
future, Infrabel is investing in links Ghent and
the creation of a 3rd and 4th Zeebrugge:
track between Gent and • Freight travel
Brugge. Express trains will from or in the
then travel on the central direction of
tracks and slower train will Zeebrugge
travel on the outer tracks, • National
preventing the different passenger traffic
trains from hindering one linking the coast
another. A 3rd track is also with the main
programmed between cities in Flanders,
Brugge and Dudzele. Finally to Brussels and
various investments in the other Belgian
railway infrastructure of the cities situated in
Port of Zeebrugge (new the north-east of
sidings for splitting, the country
extension and • Regional
modernisation of sidings,...) passenger traffic,
and Gent are needed to characterised by a
support the development of large number of
intermodality between rail, stops, particularly
sea and inland waterway. between Bruges
and Ghent
Sub-projects :
(1) L50A Gent - Brugge : Today these
3rd and 4th tracks various services
(2) L51, L51A et L51C - occupy a linear
Brugge-Dudzele : 3rd track infrastructure
(3) Masterplan Zeebrugge - involving 2 tracks.
SPV Zwankendamme The development
(4) Bifurcation Ledeberg, of a third and
Melle and Schellebelle fourth track
(5) Port of Zeebrugge : between Ghent
Zeebrugge traffics in Zeebrugge and construction traffic routes
line: increase ensure that trains can move combine on the
in capacity around smoothly in the railway line which
future, Infrabel is investing in links Ghent and
the creation of a 3rd and 4th Zeebrugge:
track between Gent and • Freight travel
Brugge. Express trains will from or in the
then travel on the central direction of
tracks and slower train will Zeebrugge
travel on the outer tracks, • National
preventing the different passenger traffic
trains from hindering one linking the coast
another. A 3rd track is also with the main
programmed between cities in Flanders,
Brugge and Dudzele. Finally to Brussels and
various investments in the other Belgian
railway infrastructure of the cities situated in
Port of Zeebrugge (new the north-east of
sidings for splitting, the country
extension and • Regional
modernisation of sidings,...) passenger traffic,
and Gent are needed to characterised by a
support the development of large number of
intermodality between rail, stops, particularly
sea and inland waterway. between Bruges
and Ghent
Sub-projects :
(1) L50A Gent - Brugge : Today these
3rd and 4th tracks various services
(2) L51, L51A et L51C - occupy a linear
Brugge-Dudzele : 3rd track infrastructure
(3) Masterplan Zeebrugge - involving 2 tracks.
SPV Zwankendamme The development
(4) Bifurcation Ledeberg, of a third and
Melle and Schellebelle fourth track
(5) Port of Zeebrugge : between Ghent