Page 21 - ePaper
P. 21
Transport public EuroCap-Rail Infrabel / SNCB The objective of this project Yes Under 0,47 0,17 - lack of financing The objective of
(modernisation is to allow substantial construction - cross-border this program is to
of the Brussels- reduction of travel time coordination allow a substantial
Luxembourg between Brussels and the reduction of travel
axis) Luxembourg, thanks to an time between
increase in the speed to Brussels and the
160km/h wherever possible, Luxembourg.
with the addition of the re- Transport by rail is
electrification to northern currently the only
French standards (25kV) alternative to road
and the modernisation of transport on the
different components of the Brussels-
railway infrastructure. Luxembourg axis.
The proposed
Sub-projects : project improves
(1) Axis 3: modernisation the rail service
(2) Axis 3: electrification (safety, speed,…)
25kV on this axis and
makes it more
compared to road
Therefore this
project promotes
the modal shift
from the road to
the rail.
In addition, this
project contributes
- the improvement
of the exchange
between the
European capital
and the capital of
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