Page 149 - ePaper
P. 149
Energy Union Connections Private LNG Terminal Fluxys LNG The project envisions the Yes Design & 0,25-0,30 0,20 LNG market
and Extension realization of a new LNG Permitting volatility/limited long
production storage tank in Zeebrugge term commitments
allowing to increase the
transfer capability between
LU, DE, BE and FR and
contributing to the
security of supply of the
TRANSPORT 3,63 2,02
Transport Business public Single SNCB, Objective is to launch 1 no operational in 1 0,03 0,02 Need for 1 common
enablers private European SDWorx, single mobility budget country: platform:
Mobility Budget Accenture services to all EU citizens. Netherlands,
Currently there is already 1 being prepared
country operational and a to launch in
second one being prepared Belgium
to connect.
To avoid the risk of having * 1 common platform will
multiple non seamless enhance investments in
mobility services across all Mobility Budgets and
EU countries we would like Mobility service prviders
to propose co-funding for across Europe
this initiative: 1 Single
European Mobility Budget.
These phases are identified:
* Design 1 single EU * 1 common platform will
Platform blueprint encourage Mobility
Service Providers to
provide multi country
products & services
* Pilot this blueprint * 1 common platform will
enable data exchange to
influences mobility
behavior of EU citizens
*Implementation of 1 single * 1 common platform is
EU Platform key in developing
multimodal transport
* Operating the Platform * 1 common platform will
enable interconnectivity
and 1 European
* Connecting mobility
service providers
* Connecting all EU
and Extension realization of a new LNG Permitting volatility/limited long
production storage tank in Zeebrugge term commitments
allowing to increase the
transfer capability between
LU, DE, BE and FR and
contributing to the
security of supply of the
TRANSPORT 3,63 2,02
Transport Business public Single SNCB, Objective is to launch 1 no operational in 1 0,03 0,02 Need for 1 common
enablers private European SDWorx, single mobility budget country: platform:
Mobility Budget Accenture services to all EU citizens. Netherlands,
Currently there is already 1 being prepared
country operational and a to launch in
second one being prepared Belgium
to connect.
To avoid the risk of having * 1 common platform will
multiple non seamless enhance investments in
mobility services across all Mobility Budgets and
EU countries we would like Mobility service prviders
to propose co-funding for across Europe
this initiative: 1 Single
European Mobility Budget.
These phases are identified:
* Design 1 single EU * 1 common platform will
Platform blueprint encourage Mobility
Service Providers to
provide multi country
products & services
* Pilot this blueprint * 1 common platform will
enable data exchange to
influences mobility
behavior of EU citizens
*Implementation of 1 single * 1 common platform is
EU Platform key in developing
multimodal transport
* Operating the Platform * 1 common platform will
enable interconnectivity
and 1 European
* Connecting mobility
service providers
* Connecting all EU