Page 145 - ePaper
P. 145
Energy Union Connections Private France- Elia - RTE The project aims at ensuring Yes Planning 0,11 - 0,17 N/A
and Belgium reliable grid operation to
production Interconnection cope with more volatile
Phase 1 south-north flows, and at
increasing the exchange
capacities between France
& Belgium to sustain an
adequate level of market
integration. To achieve this,
the replacement of the
current conductors on the
axis Avelin/Mastaing -
Avelgem - Horta with high
performance conductors
(HTLS = High Temperature
Low Sag) will be executed

Energy Union Connections Private Luxembourg- Elia - Creos The project envisions the Yes Under 0,15 - 0,17 N/A
and Belgium realization of an Consideration -
production Interco interconnection between Under
Luxembourg and Belgium construction
allowing to increase the
transfer capability between
LU, DE, BE and FR and
contributing to the
security of supply of both
As a first interim step a PST
will be integrated in
Schifflange, and connected
to an existing OH-line to
control the transit flows from
Germany to Belgium as from
end 2015.
In a second step: new 220
kV interconnection with
neighbour(s) between Creos
grid in LU and ELIA grid in
BE via a 16km double circuit
225kV underground cable
with a capacity of 1000
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