Page 329 - ePaper
P. 329
Statistical annex

Data sources • Longitudinal data pertaining to of statistical observation which enables
and definitions individual-level changes over time, international comparison of the adminis -
observed periodically over a four trative national data on social protection
Main data sources year period. in the EU Member States.

Most of the data used in this report EU-SILC does not rely on a common The conventional definition used for the
originates from Eurostat, the Statistical questionnaire or a survey but on the scope of social protection definition is
Office of the European Union. The main idea of a “framework”. The latter the following:
data source for the social indicators is defines the harmonised lists of target
the EU-SILC (EU-Statistics on Income primary (annual) and secondary (every “Social Protection encompasses all inter-
and Living Conditions). The EU-SILC four years or less frequently) vari- ventions from public or private bodies
instrument is the EU reference source for ables to be transmitted to Eurostat; intended to relieve households and indi -
comparative statistics on income distribu - common guidelines and procedures; viduals of the burden of a defined set
tion and social inclusion at the European common concepts (household and of risks or needs, provided that there is
level. It provides two types of annual data income) and classifications aimed at neither a simultaneous reciprocal nor an
for 28 European Union countries, Iceland, maximising comparability of the infor- individual arrangement involved. The list of
Norway, Switzerland and Turkey: mation produced. risks or needs that may give rise to social
protection is, by convention, as follows:
• Cross-sectional data pertaining to a Data regarding social protection expen- Sickness/Health care, Disability, Old age,
given time or a certain time period with ditures are from the European System Survivors, Family/children, Unemployment,
variables on income, poverty, social of integrated Social PROtection Statistics Housing and Social exclusion not elsewhere
exclusion and other living conditions, and (ESSPROS). ESSPROS is an instrument classified”.

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