Page 194 - ePaper
P. 194

Extensions to
Bucharest metro
network, Section I
Nicolae Grigorescu 2 - The Project is related to the execution of a new metro line for urban
public transport under safety and comfortable conditions. The
Anghel Saligny and Project will increase the mobility and the use of public urban
Section II Gara de
Nord 2 - Basarab - MINISTRY OF transport.
Transport Urban Transport Public Laminorului - Lac TRANSPORT The Project will bring significant non-financing benefits, such as: Yes 2012-2016 203.9 86
reduced travel time, reduced stress due to road traffic jams,
Straulesti S
reduced number of accidents in traffic by decreasing the number
Extension Metrorex of vehicles running at surface level, reduced carbon gas emissions
Bazilescu - since the number of vehicles running at surface will decrease etc.
Lac Length: 1,3 km, No. of stations: 2 + 1 Depot + Park & Ride
Intermodal Node
Metro Line IV -
extensions Ext.IV
1989 HCM
Bucharest International

Airport Rail Access Link The Project will bring significant non-financing benefits, such as:
Project (Metro Line 6. reduced travel time, reduced stress due to road traffic jams,
1 Mai - Otopeni) reduced number of accidents in traffic by decreasing the number
(Financed under Loan MINISTRY OF of vehicles running at surface level, reduced carbon gas emissions
Transport Urban Transport Public Agreement signed with TRANSPORT since the number of vehicles running at surface will decrease etc. Yes 2015 – 2020 1308.2 1308.2
JICA - Proposed to be S
financed under EU non- Metrorex Length: 16 km, No of stations: 19 + 1 Depot.
reimbursable financing JICA financing: around Euro 332 milion (JPY 41.870
program 2014-2020), million) State Budget co-financing: Euro 723 million, no
HG 1030/2009 VAT included

The modernisation of ventilation and control access installations are
Modernisation of proposed to be financed under this Project.
installations on Metro MINISTRY OF Proposed to be financed under non-reimbursable financing, namely
Transport Urban Transport Public Lines I,II,III,TL, Ext.III TRANSPORT to be included in the SOP-T 2007-2013. Yes 2015 341.88 50.3
2004, HG 461/2004 S The Project will bring significant non-financing benefits, such as:
(EIB III) Metrorex reduced energy consumption by installations modernisation, increased
safety and amenities conditions for passengers, reduced maintenance
and repair costs etc

MINISTRY OF Procurement of 51 metro trains necessary to be put into operation on
Transport Urban Transport Public New metro trains TRANSPORT Metro Line 5. Drumul Taberei - Pantelimon. No 2015-2020 434 434
Improvement of urban
public transport
services with metro
The modernisation of Metro Line 2 stations are proposed to be financed
Stage I Improvement under this Project.
of urban public Proposed to be financed under non-reimbursable financing, namely
transport services MINISTRY OF to be included in the SOP-T 2007-2013.
Transport Urban Transport Public TRANSPORT No 2015-2017 497.33 497.33
with metro on Metro S The Project will bring significant non-financing benefits, such as:
Line 2 BERCENI Metrorex reduced energy consumption by installations modernisation, increased
PIPERA - FS safety and amenities conditions for passengers, reduced maintenance
preparation and repair costs etc.
(About to be Length: 18 km, No of stations: 14, No of new metro trains: 24.

Technical characteristics: Length - 14 km, No. of stations: 14.

The procurement of designing services for the preparation
of the Pre- Feasibility Study and Feasibility Study is about to
MINISTRY OF be launched.
Transport Urban Transport Public Metro Line 4. Gara TRANSPORT The PFS and FS preparation was proposed and approved by No 2015 9.95 9.95
de Nord - Gara S
Progresu the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Swiss
Metrorex Confederation and included on the list of objectives about to be
financed under Swiss- Romanian Cooperation Programme to
reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged
European. Completion period: to be agreed after studies

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