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Lack of long term finance + coordination and permitting
Knowledge Ministry of Transport The project will developing broadband services for passenger and freight Planning and permitting problems, leading to possible delays.
and the ICT Infrastructure Public Broadband – represented by trains as well as railway stations, such as internet service, information No in final stages – 90 70 A combination of EC grants. A project management unit will
digital Telecomunicatii CFR for passenger, emergency call, video surveillance, control of trains construction start supervise the project’s planning and implementation under the
economy expected in 2015. The close supervision of the promoter and the relevant Ministries
projects will open in

It is a minimum scheme for supporting investments în production/IT în
order to increase workload and competitiveness SMEs în this sectors.
The minimis aid is maximum 100.000 euro /SMEs for purchaising
equipments . 833 SMEs will be supported . The access to the
Knowledge Romanian mulți Department for programme is online. The applicants fill online their investment plan. The The main barrier is financing. Solution is finding
and the Public R&D Public annual programme SMIs, Business main condition for approving financing is creation at least 3 new jobs / not yet Proposal 250 250 sources of financing.
digital of micro enviroment and SME means at least 2500 new jobs /year. The teams from territorial
economy industrialization tourism offices introduce online the results of evaluation, sign the agreements
and monitore SMEs. The team from General Directorate for
antreprenorial politics centralize evaluation data,, follow implementation
and payments and report to the Competition Council.The total budget
includes 100000 euro costs for implementiung programme on 2015-2017
Knowledge ICT Infrastructure Public Integrated electronic Național Office Integrated information system including all information flow at NOG level No Implemention system 2 2 A blend of subsidies of EC, EBRD and other states membre.
and the information systems – for în 2015 An PMU will monitor the poject planning and implementation
digital ERP Gambling under the supervision of the beneficiary and the General
economy Secretariat of the Government

In order to improve the interchange capacity through the western and
South- Eastern Romanian interface, the netwrok in the area is
considered for reinforcement: LEA 400 kV Portile de Fier – Resita and
the expansion of the station 220/110 kV Reşiţa by building a new unit of Planning and permitting Lack of long term finance + coordination and permitting
Corridors and Ministry of Transport 400 kV+shift to 400 kV of LEA 220 kV d.c. Reşiţa –Timişoara – Săcălaz in final stages – problems, leading to possible delays.
Transport Public Cross border links – represented by No 14.7 9.5 A combination of EC grants. A project management unit will
missing Telecomunicatii CFR – Arad, including building the units of 400 kV Timişoara and Săcălaz. construction start supervise the project’s planning and implementation under the
links This project improves the interchange capacity at the RO-HU-RS expected in 2015. The close supervision of the promoter and the relevant Ministries.
border; intensifies the N-S Corridor from N-E Europe to S-E Europe via projects will open in
Romania and in conjunction with other European projects it could help 2018.
creating the 400 kV electricity transport corridor from Romania to Italy
(via the submarine cable ME-IT).

Increasing traffic safety
by developing a system
of regional centers video Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Transport Other Public Infrastructure No 100 100
monitoring in areas with Internal applied to be funded authority agrees the project
high crime on thefts of Affairs from FESI
railway infrastructure
Increasing traffic safety
through the
establishment of the Ministry of The project will by The project will be financed only if the management
Transport Other Public Infrastructure No 100 100
Regional Center for Internal applied to be funded authority agrees the project
Video Monitoring of the Affairs from FESI
road traffic on TEN-T

The Project is related to the execution of a new metro line for urban public
Metro Line 5. section I transport under safety and comfortable conditions. The Project will
Drumul Taberei- increase the mobility and the use of public urban transport. The Project
Universitate. Ext. I MINISTRY OF will bring significant non-financing benefits, such as: reduced travel time,
Transport Urban Transport Public TRANSPORT Yes 2011 – 2016 774 645
1991, HG 1259/1990, S reduced stress due to road traffic jams, reduced number of accidents in
HG 1114/2003 (EIB Metrorex traffic by decreasing the number of vehicles running at surface level,
IV), HG reduced carbon gas emissions since the number of vehicles running at
1419/2008 surface will decrease etc.
Length: 9 km, No. of stations: 14

The Project is related to the execution of a new metro line for urban public
transport under safety and comfortable conditions. The Project will
Metro Line 5. Section II. increase the mobility and the use of public urban transport. The Project
Universitate - MINISTRY OF will bring significant non-financing benefits, such as: reduced travel time,
Transport Urban Transport Public TRANSPORT Yes 2015 – 2020 1028 1028
Pantelimon. Ext. II 2010, S reduced stress due to road traffic jams, reduced number of accidents in
HG 525/2008 (EIB IV) traffic by decreasing the number of vehicles running at surface level,
Metrorex reduced carbon gas emissions since the number of vehicles running at
surface will decrease etc.
Length: 8 km, No. of stations: 13, 1 Depot

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