Page 108 - ePaper
P. 108
Project examples:

Railway transport:
 Construction of high-speed railway lines Warsaw – Łódź – Poznań/Wrocław
(€7.5 bn);
 Construction of the Podłęże – Szczyrzyc –Tymbark/Mszana Dolna railway line and
modernisation of the existing railway line no. 104 Chabówka – Nowy Sącz as part of
the project Construction of the Podłęże – Szczyrzyc – Tymbark/Mszana Dolna
railway line and modernisation of a section of the Nowy Sącz – Muszyna – national
border and Chabówka – Nowy Sącz railway line. The project will improve the
Poland’s railway connection with Slovakia. The new line Podłęże – Szczyrzyc –
Tymbark is a part of the TEN-T comprehensive network; (€1.4 bn);
Road transport:
 Motorway: A1 Tuszyn – Pyrzowice, Tuszyn-Częstochowa section as a part of the
TEN-T core network – Baltic-Adriatic Corridor (€1 bn);
 Construction of expressway missing links located on TEN-T base corridor - Baltic-
Adriatic Corridor:
- S7 the Płońsk-Warszawa section (€1.2 bn);
- S1 Pyrzowice - Bielsko-Biała : section Kosztowy - Bielsko-Biała (€900 mn);
- S69 Bielsko-Biała, national border: section of Węgierska Górka bypass (€400
 Construction of expressway corridors: S19 Białystok-Lublin (€2.4 bn), S19 Rzeszów
– national border (€2.2 bn) as a part of the TEN-T network.
Border infrastructure
 Comprehensive programme of border infrastructure modernisation (including rail
border crossing points) and required transport corridors, to increase accessibility
and efficiency of functioning of the external border of the European Union (€4 bn).

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