Page 104 - ePaper
P. 104
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Knowledge Public R&D public KCIKiS - National Center of Ministry of Science The mission of the Centre is to support innovation activities of Yes Planning in preparatory phase 0.11000 0.05000 High risk related to the research activities and
and the Space and Satellite and Higher Education the national authorities concerning space sector development lack of long term finance, low propensity of
Digital Engineering / Military University of and training of engineers and researchers. The main objective private sector to co-fund research
Economy Technology of NCSSE is to become the country's leading center for the infrastructures, compliance with the EC
development of space technologies and satellite techniques requirements for the financial perspective 2014-
and to be recognized as an important partner in the European 2020 (smart specialization, state aid rules,
space program. The National Center of Space and Satellite limited EU funds for Mazovia region) and long
Engineering aims at creating conditions for effective standing public procurement processes. To
cooperation in science, research and teaching in the field of overcome these barriers the project
aerospace engineering and satellite applications. The management team to supervise the project’s
consolidation and strengthening of the research potential of implementation will be established and the
the network members will result in a faster development, continuous monitoring will be carried out by the
implementation and commercialization of solutions in the area implementing agency.
of aerospace engineering, satellite manufacturing, application
services, and research.
Knowledge Public R&D public CERAD - Center of Design Ministry of Science The main objective of the CERAD project is to improve and Yes Planning in preparatory phase 0.04000 0.02000 High risk related to the research activities and
and the and Synthesis of Radiophar- and Higher Education expand the research infrastructure located at the National lack of long term finance, low propensity of
Digital maceuticals for Molecular / National Centre for Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), utilized in research private sector to co-fund research
Economy Targeting Nuclear Research programs oriented at design and pre-clinical evaluation of new infrastructures, compliance with the EC
drugs carrying the radioactive probe (radiopharmaceuticals) requirements for the financial perspective 2014-
and other multimodality probes, suitable for diagnostic or 2020 (smart specialization, state aid rules,
therapeutic application, with the particular focus on the limited EU funds for Mazovia region) and long
biologically active carrier molecules which can be traced at the standing public procurement processes. To
cellular and molecular level. overcome these barriers the project
management team to supervise the project’s
implementation will be established and the
continuous monitoring will be carried out by the
implementing agency.
Knowledge Public R&D public SeCuRe - Strain and Culture Ministry of Science SECURE initiative, will provide grounds for a long-term, core Yes Planning in preparatory phase 0.04000 0.02000 High risk related to the research activities and
and the Resources, and Higher Education funding to centres that will qualify as biological resource lack of long term finance, low propensity of
Digital Polish Virtual Bioresource / Institute of centres and ensure an integrated approach to development, private sector to co-fund research
Economy Centre Agricultural and Food technology transfer and - compliant to law - access to infrastructures, compliance with the EC
Biotechnology bioresources and their commercial exploitation. It will also requirements for the financial perspective 2014-
boost research in strategic areas encompassed by Poland’s 2020 (smart specialization, state aid rules,
National Research Programme. SECURE network will result in limited EU funds for Mazovia region) and long
setting up a unique virtual bioresource centre providing open standing public procurement processes. To
access to the data and allowing for distribution via web-based overcome these barriers the project
interface. management team to supervise the project’s
implementation will be established and the
continuous monitoring will be carried out by the
implementing agency.
Knowledge Public R&D public IN-MOL-CELL -Research Ministry of Science The rationale behind this research infrastructure proposal Yes Planning in preparatory phase 0.02500 0.01200 High risk related to the research activities and
and the Infrastructure of Molecules and Higher Education involves the extension of the IIMCB premises along with the lack of long term finance, low propensity of
Digital and Cells / International Institute extension of the Institute’s areas of interest towards private sector to co-fund research
Economy of Molecular and Cell biomedical problems, with a greater focus on translational infrastructures, compliance with the EC
Biology research. To this end six new research groups will be requirements for the financial perspective 2014-
recruited and core facilities will be expanded to provide cutting 2020 (smart specialization, state aid rules,
edge technology support. By expanding the present limited EU funds for Mazovia region) and long
infrastructure and expertise IIMCB will be able to create an standing public procurement processes. To
integrated multidisciplinary research platform to span the overcome these barriers the project
spectrum from molecules to organisms, aiming to decipher the management team to supervise the project’s
molecular basis of diseases and provide preclinical therapeutic implementation will be established and the
options. continuous monitoring will be carried out by the
implementing agency.

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