Page 90 - ePaper
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Natural Water Master plan for Ministry of The preservation of our Yes, Marshall Water 1,34 0,49 Water production master
Ressources managemen water Environment - environment and a Plan n°1 and production plan: if proper funding
and t and production SWDE controlled management of 2,green master plan: on the SWDE Fund =
Environement regeneratio natural resources are key some initiatives impact on the water
n of Rehabilitation areas identified by both the are already price.
industrial of former European Commission in its ongoing,
sites industrial EU 2020 Strategy, and the others will
wasteland EIB task force. An innovative begin in late Industrial wastelands:
and ambitious policy on the 2014 - early The lack of long-term
production and distribution 2015. financing + coordination
of water contributes to this problems leading to
objective. Through its water Industrial possible delays.
production master plan, the wastelands: A combination of grants
Walloon Region intends to this project is from the EC, EIB and
secure the supply of water part of a 2016- MS Finance is
throughout the territory of 2020 considered. A project
the Walloon region, a key programme. A management unit will
element for an optimal living partnership supervise the planning
environment for every citizen with private and implementation of
and business. The socio promoters is the project under the
economic impact of such a possible. close supervision of the
project will be immediate. promoter and the related
The rehabilitation of
industrial wastelands to re-
market available land for
new projects in strategic
locations and economically
interesting locations also
serves this aim and makes it
possible to meet the dual
objectives of preserving our
environment and economic
redevelopment, for the
purpose of a circular
economy. These projects
can also reduce
Ressources managemen water Environment - environment and a Plan n°1 and production plan: if proper funding
and t and production SWDE controlled management of 2,green master plan: on the SWDE Fund =
Environement regeneratio natural resources are key some initiatives impact on the water
n of Rehabilitation areas identified by both the are already price.
industrial of former European Commission in its ongoing,
sites industrial EU 2020 Strategy, and the others will
wasteland EIB task force. An innovative begin in late Industrial wastelands:
and ambitious policy on the 2014 - early The lack of long-term
production and distribution 2015. financing + coordination
of water contributes to this problems leading to
objective. Through its water Industrial possible delays.
production master plan, the wastelands: A combination of grants
Walloon Region intends to this project is from the EC, EIB and
secure the supply of water part of a 2016- MS Finance is
throughout the territory of 2020 considered. A project
the Walloon region, a key programme. A management unit will
element for an optimal living partnership supervise the planning
environment for every citizen with private and implementation of
and business. The socio promoters is the project under the
economic impact of such a possible. close supervision of the
project will be immediate. promoter and the related
The rehabilitation of
industrial wastelands to re-
market available land for
new projects in strategic
locations and economically
interesting locations also
serves this aim and makes it
possible to meet the dual
objectives of preserving our
environment and economic
redevelopment, for the
purpose of a circular
economy. These projects
can also reduce