Page 9 - ePaper
P. 9
Sector Subsector Private/Pu Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
blic/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment cost 2017
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)

Resources and Natural public Protection Federal Ministry of Measures to reduce risk of natural hazards (floods, debri flows, avalanches) yes projects are 1.0 0.6 BMLFUW provides 0,2
Environment resources: against natural Agriculture, under way or bn €/year;
efficient and hazards Forestry, on planned total investment depends
secure Environment and on co-financing by
availability Water Management Federal Provinces and
(BMLFUW); Federal Interested Partners
Ministry of
Innovation and
(BMVIT), Federal
Provinces of

Transport Corridors and public Development of Ministry of Connection to the highway A2 (Ilz- border, Burgenland) Yes Construction 0.6 0.6 coordination and
missing links S7 motorway Transport, start permitting problems;
ASFINAG expected at delay of commencement,
mid-year realisation with EIB
2015 for the depends on loan interest
western part rates (reduction of
and mid-year financial costs for AT)
2016 for the
eastern part.
Open for
traffic: 2019

Transport Corridors and public S1 Wiener Austrian Ministry for closure of the missing link between Schwechat & Süssenbrunn with the tunnel Danube-Lobau (Nationalpark Yes started 1.8 0.6 possible delays due to
missing links Außenring- Transport, Donau-Auen) objections from
Schnellstraße, ASFINAG environmental pressure
Schwechat/Süss groups in the EIA,
enbrunn realisation with EIB
depends on loan interest
rates (reduction of
financial costs for AT)

Transport Business public safety Austrian Federal adaptation of safety engineering of the railway tunnel Karawanken under the terms of the EU-Directive on yes outstanding 0.1 0.0 delayed implementation;
enablers engineering - Ministry for tunnel safety and the Austrian national law (EisbAV) financial adaptations should be
railway tunnel Transport, ÖBB decision started and need to be
Karawanken implemented by 2018

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