Page 600 - ePaper
P. 600
management unit
will supervise the
project’s planning
and implementation
under the close
supervision of the
promoter and the
relevant Ministries.
36. Transport Corridors Reconstructi SJSC Latvian Railways Reconstruction Ye Timing 46,6 10 million Barriers:
and missing on of Daugavpils acceptance included 2014 - million EUR Insufficient
links Daugavpils station and passenger in 2020 EUR funding,
acceptance station NDP202 considering the
station and 0 and total investment
passenger TDG202 cost.
station 0 Solutions:
A combination of
ESI funds as well as
private financing is
A project
management unit
will supervise the
project’s planning
and implementation
under the close
supervision of the
promoter and the
relevant Ministries.
37. Transport Corridors Construction Ministry of transport of Construction of a new Yes Timing Estimated Up to 300 Barriers:
and missing of newthe republic of Latvia railway line, included 2016-2024 total cost million Insufficient
links European (Joint venture involving Including land in Feasibility for LV is EUR funding; additional
gauge linerepresentatives of three acquisition, design NDP202 studies 1,5 billion risk due to the fact
(with related Baltic countries) and construction of the 0 and ongoing EUR that this is a large-
infrastructur new Railway TDG202 scale long term
e) in Latvia infrastructure 0 cross-border
as part of (including Intermodal project.
Rail Baltica cargo logistics center
corridor which should be Solutions:
connected with the A combination of
railway, CEF funds,
both 1520 and 1435 possibly PPP
gauges; Riga Central financing models is
integrated multimodal envisaged.
passenger station;
connections to the Riga The project will
will supervise the
project’s planning
and implementation
under the close
supervision of the
promoter and the
relevant Ministries.
36. Transport Corridors Reconstructi SJSC Latvian Railways Reconstruction Ye Timing 46,6 10 million Barriers:
and missing on of Daugavpils acceptance included 2014 - million EUR Insufficient
links Daugavpils station and passenger in 2020 EUR funding,
acceptance station NDP202 considering the
station and 0 and total investment
passenger TDG202 cost.
station 0 Solutions:
A combination of
ESI funds as well as
private financing is
A project
management unit
will supervise the
project’s planning
and implementation
under the close
supervision of the
promoter and the
relevant Ministries.
37. Transport Corridors Construction Ministry of transport of Construction of a new Yes Timing Estimated Up to 300 Barriers:
and missing of newthe republic of Latvia railway line, included 2016-2024 total cost million Insufficient
links European (Joint venture involving Including land in Feasibility for LV is EUR funding; additional
gauge linerepresentatives of three acquisition, design NDP202 studies 1,5 billion risk due to the fact
(with related Baltic countries) and construction of the 0 and ongoing EUR that this is a large-
infrastructur new Railway TDG202 scale long term
e) in Latvia infrastructure 0 cross-border
as part of (including Intermodal project.
Rail Baltica cargo logistics center
corridor which should be Solutions:
connected with the A combination of
railway, CEF funds,
both 1520 and 1435 possibly PPP
gauges; Riga Central financing models is
integrated multimodal envisaged.
passenger station;
connections to the Riga The project will