Page 574 - ePaper
P. 574
infrastructure, has been
created and approved
by the EC on 9
November 2011.
The programme
envisages the
development of optical
fibre cable network and
access points, in order
to provide any
operator with an
opportunity to create
loop („last mile”)
connections with which
to provide internet
access services to end-
11. Knowledge ICT Riga radio State Joint-Stock Planned to update and No A complex 17 million 11 million Barriers:
and the digital Infrastructur and TV Company “Latvia State expand the provision of technical EUR EUR Insufficient
economy e station Radio and Television the direct functions of expertise is funding.
modernizatio Centre” infrastructure, its being
n quality and availability carried out. Solutions:
to existing and LSRTC Project is related to
potential customers at has started ICT and also will
national and the facilitate tourism
international level thus procedure sector.
increasing the of the local
development potential plan
of the sector and developme
enhancing expansion nt. Timing
opportunities to 2016-2018
provide competitive
Furthermore, it is
planned to update,
modernise and make a
more friendly and
accessible environment
for visitors to this
major national tourism
Project can bring more
added value to this
created and approved
by the EC on 9
November 2011.
The programme
envisages the
development of optical
fibre cable network and
access points, in order
to provide any
operator with an
opportunity to create
loop („last mile”)
connections with which
to provide internet
access services to end-
11. Knowledge ICT Riga radio State Joint-Stock Planned to update and No A complex 17 million 11 million Barriers:
and the digital Infrastructur and TV Company “Latvia State expand the provision of technical EUR EUR Insufficient
economy e station Radio and Television the direct functions of expertise is funding.
modernizatio Centre” infrastructure, its being
n quality and availability carried out. Solutions:
to existing and LSRTC Project is related to
potential customers at has started ICT and also will
national and the facilitate tourism
international level thus procedure sector.
increasing the of the local
development potential plan
of the sector and developme
enhancing expansion nt. Timing
opportunities to 2016-2018
provide competitive
Furthermore, it is
planned to update,
modernise and make a
more friendly and
accessible environment
for visitors to this
major national tourism
Project can bring more
added value to this