Page 492 - ePaper
P. 492
Included in Total Investment in
No. Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementing agency Description investment plan Status cost (EUR bn) 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
(EUR bn)
Combined cycle gas n.a The construction of CCGT power plant based on biodiesel produced by algae. No (yes/no) Contribution to increase the use of renewable energy rate and to cut residential energy
Resources and Natural Resources: turbine power plant costs.
27. efficient and secure operating on biodiesel 0.07 0.03
Environment availability produced from algae
Resources and Natural Resources: Remediation of the Ministry of Agriculture Remediation and multifunctional use of the area. NO Investment decision taken, preparation of the project Lack of long term finance, ownership problems
28. Environment efficient and secure “Csepel” old industrial 0.05 0.01
Natural Resources:
European Commission and to reach the even more ambitious new targets) the significant extension of the utilization
29. Resources and efficient and secure Solid-waste capacity Ministry of Agriculture In order to reach the waste recycling targets (in particular in line with the Circular Economy Communication of the No The investment decision is in process. 0.27 0.1 Lack of financing
Environment availability capacities is needed.
Natural Resources: Remediation of Ministry of Agriculture Remediation and multifunctional use of the area No Investment decision taken, preparation of the project Lack of long term finance, ownership problems
30. Resources and efficient and secure “Budapesti Vegyi 0.05 0.01
availability Művek” industrial sites
Reduction of leakage in Ministry of National Optimising leakage reduction is a crucial part of water demand management. In Hungary the average loss of drinking No Investigation on necessary investments in reconstruction of Lack of public finance, affordability of users, slow project preparation.A combination of EC
Natural resources: Development &Ministry of water supply systems is 19% according to the 1 River Basin Management Plan. By leakage reduction not only the infrastructure is ongoing grants, EIB and MS finance. A project management unit can supervise the project’s
31. Resources and efficient and secure public water supply Interior water but resources energy can be used more efficient. Leakage in public water supply systems results in loss of 0.6 0.2 planning and implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the
systems – network
availability reconstruction purified drinking water but also means wasting the energy and material resources used in abstraction and treatment. relevant Ministries.
Ministry of Interior The large infrastructures (reservoirs, channels, dams, etc.) should be improved due to more extreme weather events Yes Ongoing construction, planning, permitting, preparation for several Lack of public finance, slow project preparation.A combination of EC grants, EIB and MS
Resilience to Climate Improvement of water
Resources and Change & Natural retention and water (torrent rains and longer droughts). At the moment the facilities are not quite appropriate to reduce risk of floods projects but still a lot of demand nationwide (projects of KEHOP reserve finance. A project management unit can supervise the project’s planning and
32. and droughts. Due to location of Hungary transnational/trans-boundary projects are welcomed as well. list) 0.6 0.15 implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant Ministries.
Environment resources: efficient management systems for
and secure availability IWRM[1]
Ministry of National Construction of reinjection wells at thermal water heating systems for groundwater resource augmentation. Yes a few construction project under CAP lack of public and private financing, affordability of high construction and maintenance
Natural resources:
reinjection technics. National programme and project management for project’s planning
waters as renewable
33. Resources and efficient and secure Effective use of thermal Development Development of reinjection technology for cost efficiency. Development of monitoring of thermal water aquifers. 0.2 0.1 costs A combination of EC grants, EIB and MS finance. Strengthening research on
availability energy source and implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant
Resilience to Climate Ministry of Human Establishment of safeguard zones and implementation of safety measures according to the risk based Safety Yes ongoing projects under CA Lack of public finance, slow project preparation. A combination of EC grants, EIB and MS
Capacities & Ministry of
Management Plans.
finance. A project management unit can supervise the project’s planning and
Change & Natural
34. Resources and resources: efficient Drinking water safety Interior 0.2 0.1 implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant Ministries.
and secure availability
Resilience to Climate Improvement of Ministry of Interior & The water retention in surface water systems should be improved regarding to the EU Water Framework Directive Yes Ongoing construction, planning, permitting, preparation for several Lack of public finance, slow project preparation. A combination of EC grants, EIB
due to more and more extreme weather events.
Ministry of National
finance. A project management unit can supervise the project’s planning and
projects but still a lot of demand nationwide
Resources and Change & Natural hydromorfological status
35. Environment resources: efficient of surface waters for Development 1.00 0.2 implementation under the close supervision of the promoter and the relevant Ministries.
and secure availability resilience to CC
Ministry of Interior & The environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive can meet if the urban and industrial point source Yes Ongoing strategic planning Lack of public finance A combination of EC grants, EIB and MS finance.
Improvement of sewage
Resources and Natural resources: treatment to meet Ministry of National pollutions are reduced by more efficient treatment. In addition there are a lot of small settlements where sewage
36. efficient and secure Development management should be solved. 0.7 0.1
Environment availability environmental quality of
surface waters
Ministry of Interior The monitoring & informatics (databases, modelling, etc.) infrastructure should be improved and to support Yes Ongoing strategic planning Lack of public finance, many times changing regulations, organisation structureA
Resilience to Climate Capacity building of appropriate decision making and controlling the capacity of human resources should be developed at water combination of EC grants, EIB and MS finance
37. Resources and Change & Natural water management management institutions (directorates, authorities) 0.23 0.1
Environment resources: efficient
and secure availability institutions
Reorganisation and Ministry of Interior & The waterlogged areas should be drained to reduce damages but some areas are good for water retention and yes Ongoing strategic planning Lack of public finance A combination of EC grants, EIB and MS finance
reconstruction of Ministry of Agriculture storage. The channel systems of Hungary recently unsuitable for retention or reservation of significant amount of
38. Resources and Resilience to Climate channel systems for water. The stored water can be allocated for irrigation or other usage in drought periods 1.00 0.2
Environment Change improved water
retention, storage and
Natural Resources: Ministry of Agriculture Energy recovery of appr. 500 000 tons of RDF No Investment decision taken Lack of long term finance, preparation of the project was very slow
39. Resources and efficient and secure RDF (Residue Derived 0.7 0.1
Ministry of National Project is part of the Express road and motorway programme -North-South transponrt corridor, submitted by
Infrastructure Developing Members of V4. Construction of the M30 clearway is scheduled in 4 stages. Construction aid contract of the first – Realization study of stages 2-4 has been completed.Full resolution of preliminary licencing
between Tornyosnémeti and the border - 1,7 km long and consisting of 2x2 lane stage has been signed,
procedures (construction, environmental, etc.)is required. Construction of the northern
40. Transport Business enablers M30 Co. Ltd. implementation is due by the end of 2015. Second stage is almost 12 km long between Szikszó and Aszaló and - Part of the National Transport Infrastructure-development Strategy; 0.4 streches of the clearway is planned in the form of 2x1 line roads, as a cost-effective
road already exists, route has to be developed into highway in full length.
between Forró and Abaújdevecser;third stage is 22,6 km long between Miskolc and Szikszó and between Ujaszaló solution. After this the constrution of further 2x1 lanes in the northern stretches is
and Forró; fourth stage is 24,2 km long between Abaújdevecser and Tornyosnémeti. Route connects on the Slovakian necessary.
side to the R4 highway. Place of border crossing was defined by government decree 120/2011 (VII. 15.).
Ministry of National The route stretches between Vásárosnamény and Beregdaróc , 25 km long. From Vásárosnamény to the Ukranian
41. Transport Business enablers M3 Development/National border in 2x2 lane Crossing of the Tisza and the Budapest-Záhony railroad is achieved by construction of a new Part of the National Transport Infrastructure-development Strategy 0.3
Infrastructure Developing
Co. Ltd. bridge. Construction studies are ready.
National Infrastructure
Developing Co. Ltd. / MÁV The technical documentation of preparation of railway section design has been started from 2013 (study plans,
Hungarian State Railways impact studies, licensee plans, etc); the more detailed tender documentation required to the Szeged-Subotica section
Private Company and is being prepared in line with Hungarian and Serbian legal requirements.
Serbian Railways (Železnice 1. Preliminary study / feasibility study has been completed; Estimated
Srbije) 2. Process of design and preparation of the tender are in progress; gross cost of
42. Transport Business enablers Szeged-Subotica-Baja Sections: 3. There has been no investment decisions, the design of the concept is 0.33 the whole EU could provide a non-refundable source (CF) for the cost of the investment. The
railway line development Hungary project for the financing of the Serbian section is uncertain.
Szeged – Röszke- border (modernization); in progress period of EUR
Baja-Bácsalmás (modernization); 0.22 billion
Bácsalmás-Csikéria-border (construction);
Republic of Serbia-Subotica - Horgos-border(modernization);
Subotica- Horgos-border - Csikéria (construction);
M4 expressway in the Ministry of National A flagship TEN T project, being both of highest national and international strategic importance, as it connects Yes Under construction
Central Hungarian Region Development, MA Bulgaria, Romania and western part of EU
43. Transport Corridors and missing and upgrading main road 0.3
405. between Újhartyán
(M5) and Szolnok
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