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83 Energy Connections SILCIO PRIVATE Development of 25 photovoltaic stations of total power: 126,82 MW The project is 0.319 0.319 Very low tarrifs - lack of financing -
Union and production SECTOR:«SIL comprised of many enviromental legislation frequent
CIO small projects revisions - Forestry authorities' lack
PHOTOVOLT which are in of personell in their regional and
AIC PARKS different licensing prefectural units
S.A" stage

84 Other Tourism KILLADA HILLS PRIVATE The investment plan refers to the construction of tourist residences NO The Strategic 0.345 0.2 Lack of specialized personnel in
SECTOR: and special touristic infrastructure Environmental the "National Authority for the
«MINDCOMP Assessment has Enviromental Impact " in the
ASS been approved ministry of Enviroment Energy and
OVERSEAS and we are in the Climate Change for the amount of
process of issueing projects that need to be assesed
the "Plan of Spatial
Development of
Investment" -
85 Other Tourism ITANOS GAIA PRIVATE The investment plan is about the sustainable touristic developement NO The Strategic 0.268 0.15 Lack of specialized personnel in
SECTOR: through the construction of tourist residencies and special touristic Environmental the "National Authority for the
«LOYALWAR infrastructure Assessment has Enviromental Impact " in the
D LTD» been approved ministry of Enviroment Energy and
and we are in the Climate Change for the amount of
process of issuing projects that need to be assesed
the "Plan of Spatial
Development of
Investment" -

86 Resources Natural « Installation of PRIVATE Gold mining in the area of Evros Issuing of 0.145 0.075 There has been a postponement of
and Resources Gold Mining SECTOR: Enviromental terms the licencing procedure due to the
Environment facilities in the «THRAKI fact that ministry of Enviroment
area of Evros" GOLD Energy and Climate Change hasn't
MINING» approved the Enviromental terms

87 Transport Corridors and Investment Ministry of The program focuses mainly on the ports which will not be able to receive No a) National Port 0.5 0.5 Lack of funding.
missing links, program for the Shipping, any TEN-T funding and have not been included in the national investment Strategy 2013-
port capacity development, Maritime plan, although they are considered as very important for the facilitation of 2018.
passenger and freight transport between the Greek mainland and the
upgrade and Affairs & the islands, the coastal shipping and cruise industry, as well as the SSS and the b) Preliminary
modernization Aegean MoS, promoting sea based transport and securing territorial cohesion in the studies identifying
of infra- and EU. The proposed program will offer a possibility to finance crucial small or needs, cost and
super-structure medium scale interventions in ports according certain criteria and the priorities priorities
in Greek ports for each category of ports as set in the National Port Strategy 2013- 2018.
88 Transport Port capacity Construction Involvement The project envisages the construction of the necessary No Preliminary 0.5 0.5 Lack of funding. The
of necessary of private infrastructure for supplying ships with liquefied natural gas studies in proposed solution is a PPP.
infrastructure sector (LNG) in a Greek Port, most possible in Piraeus. The project preparation as
in a port meets a genuine market need in the years to come and is TEN-T projects
(potentially in conform with the target of integrating the environmental
the port of concerns and awareness, as also promoted in the EU, in the
Piraeus) in transport policy.
order to
supply ships
with LNG as a
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