Page 447 - ePaper
P. 447
74 Energy Energy 16. SUN-Power Ministry of Schools hosted in public buildings can install photovoltaic panels on their No Can start in a years 0.800 0.4 Barriers: a) Lack of finance, b)
Union Efficiency in Education & roofs and/or a vertical axis windmill on their yards for producing green solar school properties details not in
Buildings Schools Up with Religious and wind electricity. records yet c) luck of legislation for
These schools will be joined in a network providing electricity to a public or
Connections Nature for Affairs private company cutting off their expenses. solar panels in public buildings.
and production making their Each school can be a small energy producer. In average a school can
own electric produce yearly 1300 kWh per installed kWp from panels and 200kWh from Solutions: a) EC grants EIB and
power from Sun windmills. That means for an average 20kWp of solar panels for the 70% of private investment funds b) the
and Wind and schools and a 5 kWp of windmills (5m/s wind blow) for 30 % of schools there electronic system “myschool” is
MicroGrid- is a 270 TWh of electric power produced. ready to gather detailed info for
aggregation into That is 350 Tera-Tones of CO2 not polluting atmosphere and a 67,5M€ school buildings. c). A project
Virtual Power earning per year (0,25€/kWh estimated selling price). Investment is breaking management committee will
even in 10years.
Plants Also, the current production of renewably energy from small producers supervise the project’s planning
(microgrids) is fragmented and relies on the feed-in-tariff policy. The project and implementation under the
will use ICT technologies (like those developed in VIMSEN project) to help close supervision of Ministry of
aggregate School Microgrids into a few Virtual Power Plants (VPP). Each Education and relevant Ministries.
VPP will have the size required to participate as a separate big player in the
energy market, unifying the microgrids and removing the need for subsidies.
In addition pupils will actively learn about sustainable development, green
electricity, economics, physics, computer programming, etc by getting
involved in monitoring and evaluating the different parameters (location,
solar radiation, sunshine hours, climate, etc) that affect power production
and consumption.
75 Energy Energy 17. Energy Ministry of Smart energy meters can be placed in all public buildings in order to provide No A pilot project has 0.110 0.05 Infrastructure to monitor the energy
Union Efficiency in MOnitoring Education & a real-time energy consumption information. This information will be already load of Ministry of Education
Buildings infrastructure Religious collected to a central system and will be correlated with other data (number implemented from buildings (school buildings and
of occupants, area in square meters and meteorological data) to produce an
for SchoolS and Affairs energy auditing and recommendation system for the buildings’ occupants to the Greek Ministry administrative offices) and to
public buildings reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. of Education in a produce sustainable energy.
The project includes: small number of
EMbOSS a) Procurement and installation of energy monitoring sensors in all school school buildings.
building and administration offices Similar projects
b) Procurement and installation of weather conditions parameters sensors in have been
selected school buildings developed or are
c) Selection of school buildings in each Greek prefecture and installation of a planned from
small photovoltaic system to produce energy. Organizarions
around Europe.
The energy monitoring, combined with data from the local weather
parameters will provide the Ministry with valuable information to design and
implement measures/soft projects/ initiatives to reduce energy consumption A pilot project to
from its buildings and organize relevant education activities for primary and install photovoltaic
secondary education. is a school building
Such infrastructures and relevant projects have been implemented and/or is under
planned to be implemented also in other EU countries. CTI is in contact and implementation
in close collaboration with Organizations planning and implementing such within 2014 in a
projects within EU. selected school
The project can be extended to significant non-public buildings.
Union Efficiency in Education & roofs and/or a vertical axis windmill on their yards for producing green solar school properties details not in
Buildings Schools Up with Religious and wind electricity. records yet c) luck of legislation for
These schools will be joined in a network providing electricity to a public or
Connections Nature for Affairs private company cutting off their expenses. solar panels in public buildings.
and production making their Each school can be a small energy producer. In average a school can
own electric produce yearly 1300 kWh per installed kWp from panels and 200kWh from Solutions: a) EC grants EIB and
power from Sun windmills. That means for an average 20kWp of solar panels for the 70% of private investment funds b) the
and Wind and schools and a 5 kWp of windmills (5m/s wind blow) for 30 % of schools there electronic system “myschool” is
MicroGrid- is a 270 TWh of electric power produced. ready to gather detailed info for
aggregation into That is 350 Tera-Tones of CO2 not polluting atmosphere and a 67,5M€ school buildings. c). A project
Virtual Power earning per year (0,25€/kWh estimated selling price). Investment is breaking management committee will
even in 10years.
Plants Also, the current production of renewably energy from small producers supervise the project’s planning
(microgrids) is fragmented and relies on the feed-in-tariff policy. The project and implementation under the
will use ICT technologies (like those developed in VIMSEN project) to help close supervision of Ministry of
aggregate School Microgrids into a few Virtual Power Plants (VPP). Each Education and relevant Ministries.
VPP will have the size required to participate as a separate big player in the
energy market, unifying the microgrids and removing the need for subsidies.
In addition pupils will actively learn about sustainable development, green
electricity, economics, physics, computer programming, etc by getting
involved in monitoring and evaluating the different parameters (location,
solar radiation, sunshine hours, climate, etc) that affect power production
and consumption.
75 Energy Energy 17. Energy Ministry of Smart energy meters can be placed in all public buildings in order to provide No A pilot project has 0.110 0.05 Infrastructure to monitor the energy
Union Efficiency in MOnitoring Education & a real-time energy consumption information. This information will be already load of Ministry of Education
Buildings infrastructure Religious collected to a central system and will be correlated with other data (number implemented from buildings (school buildings and
of occupants, area in square meters and meteorological data) to produce an
for SchoolS and Affairs energy auditing and recommendation system for the buildings’ occupants to the Greek Ministry administrative offices) and to
public buildings reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. of Education in a produce sustainable energy.
The project includes: small number of
EMbOSS a) Procurement and installation of energy monitoring sensors in all school school buildings.
building and administration offices Similar projects
b) Procurement and installation of weather conditions parameters sensors in have been
selected school buildings developed or are
c) Selection of school buildings in each Greek prefecture and installation of a planned from
small photovoltaic system to produce energy. Organizarions
around Europe.
The energy monitoring, combined with data from the local weather
parameters will provide the Ministry with valuable information to design and
implement measures/soft projects/ initiatives to reduce energy consumption A pilot project to
from its buildings and organize relevant education activities for primary and install photovoltaic
secondary education. is a school building
Such infrastructures and relevant projects have been implemented and/or is under
planned to be implemented also in other EU countries. CTI is in contact and implementation
in close collaboration with Organizations planning and implementing such within 2014 in a
projects within EU. selected school
The project can be extended to significant non-public buildings.