Page 419 - ePaper
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21 Transport Urban transport 4.Thessaloniki Attiko Metro Extension of basic metro line to Stavroupoli (West line) servicing Yes (Thessaloniki Geotechnical and 0.60 0.03 1. No EU grant available for the
Metro – S.A. densely populated areas. Section, 5km long with 5 new stations plus Metro Regulatory Topographical extension despite project's high
Extension to extension of the Pylaia depot. Plan) Studies in place. socio-economic returns
Stavroupoli Option analysis, 2. Lack of financing is putting the
preliminary and project on hold.
final studies and SOLUTIONS:
designs on hold. a. Secure EU funding up to 90% of
Call for tender investment costs through EU loans
envisaged in 2016. in the framework of the Juncker
Construction 2018 package
b. Despite delays in the basic line
the extension is considered of low
c. Attiko Metro SA can rely on the
experience gained on the basic line
d. Additional human resources
necessary for Attiko Metro SA
22 Transport Urban transport 5. Athens Tram - Attiko Metro Extension of Athens tram line from Syntagma to Egyptou Square in Yes (Rethink Topographical 0.09 0.03 1. No EU funding secured for
Extension from S.A. Ano Patisia. Section 4.4 km long with 8 stops, servicing Athens city Athens) designs completed. implementation of the project
Syntagma to centre. Part of the "Rethink Athens" urban revival project. Preliminary and SOLUTIONS:
Egyptou Square final designs a. Secure EU grant before end of
(city Center) underway. Call for 2014
tender 01/2015. b. A combination of EC grants and
Construction 2017. EIB lending envisaged up to 90%
Commissioning of investment costs
23 Transport Urban transport 6. Athens Tram - Attiko Metro Extension of Athens tram line from Fix Metro Station to Faliron Bay to Yes (Project Preliminary 0.09 0.01 1. No EU funding secured for
Extension from S.A. the south. Section 4.5 km long with 9 stops. Part of the Athens sea linked to "Rethink designs and implementation of the project
Fix Metro front rehabilitation project which includes a new sea front park, Athens" and studies in 2015. 2. Project preparation on hold due
Station to Niarchos Opera House and New national Library Niarchos Call for tender to the lack of funding
Faliron Bay Foundation 2016 Construction SOLUTIONS:
donation) 2018 a. Confirm EU grant funding for the
Commissioning tram before end of 2014
2019/20 b. A combination of EC grants and
EIB lending envisaged up to 90%
of investment costs
24 Transport Urban transport 7. Patras Tram Municipality of Establishment of Tram in Patras from ATEI to Patras University Yes Feasibility and 0.28 0.05 1. Project preparation on hold as
Patras and Hospital crossing the city centre. Line 13 km with 20 stops viability studies no EU funding secured
PPP Unit in completed. Call for 2. No inter-ministerial decision for
Ministry of tender 2016 inclusion in PPP list
Development Construction 2018
Commissioning SOLUTIONS:
2019/20 Secure EU funding support in
Juncker package
25 Transport Urban transport 8. Ioannina Tram Municipality of Establishment of Tram in Ioannina linking the main city poles from Yes Feasibility and 0.12 0.03 1. Project preparation on hold as
Ioannina and the airport to Ioannina University Hospital viability studies no EU funding secured
PPP Unit in Line 12 km with 20 stops completed 2. No inter-ministerial decision for
Ministry of Call for tender inclusion in PPP list
Development 2016 Construction
Commissioning Secure EU funding support in
2019/20 Juncker package
Metro – S.A. densely populated areas. Section, 5km long with 5 new stations plus Metro Regulatory Topographical extension despite project's high
Extension to extension of the Pylaia depot. Plan) Studies in place. socio-economic returns
Stavroupoli Option analysis, 2. Lack of financing is putting the
preliminary and project on hold.
final studies and SOLUTIONS:
designs on hold. a. Secure EU funding up to 90% of
Call for tender investment costs through EU loans
envisaged in 2016. in the framework of the Juncker
Construction 2018 package
b. Despite delays in the basic line
the extension is considered of low
c. Attiko Metro SA can rely on the
experience gained on the basic line
d. Additional human resources
necessary for Attiko Metro SA
22 Transport Urban transport 5. Athens Tram - Attiko Metro Extension of Athens tram line from Syntagma to Egyptou Square in Yes (Rethink Topographical 0.09 0.03 1. No EU funding secured for
Extension from S.A. Ano Patisia. Section 4.4 km long with 8 stops, servicing Athens city Athens) designs completed. implementation of the project
Syntagma to centre. Part of the "Rethink Athens" urban revival project. Preliminary and SOLUTIONS:
Egyptou Square final designs a. Secure EU grant before end of
(city Center) underway. Call for 2014
tender 01/2015. b. A combination of EC grants and
Construction 2017. EIB lending envisaged up to 90%
Commissioning of investment costs
23 Transport Urban transport 6. Athens Tram - Attiko Metro Extension of Athens tram line from Fix Metro Station to Faliron Bay to Yes (Project Preliminary 0.09 0.01 1. No EU funding secured for
Extension from S.A. the south. Section 4.5 km long with 9 stops. Part of the Athens sea linked to "Rethink designs and implementation of the project
Fix Metro front rehabilitation project which includes a new sea front park, Athens" and studies in 2015. 2. Project preparation on hold due
Station to Niarchos Opera House and New national Library Niarchos Call for tender to the lack of funding
Faliron Bay Foundation 2016 Construction SOLUTIONS:
donation) 2018 a. Confirm EU grant funding for the
Commissioning tram before end of 2014
2019/20 b. A combination of EC grants and
EIB lending envisaged up to 90%
of investment costs
24 Transport Urban transport 7. Patras Tram Municipality of Establishment of Tram in Patras from ATEI to Patras University Yes Feasibility and 0.28 0.05 1. Project preparation on hold as
Patras and Hospital crossing the city centre. Line 13 km with 20 stops viability studies no EU funding secured
PPP Unit in completed. Call for 2. No inter-ministerial decision for
Ministry of tender 2016 inclusion in PPP list
Development Construction 2018
Commissioning SOLUTIONS:
2019/20 Secure EU funding support in
Juncker package
25 Transport Urban transport 8. Ioannina Tram Municipality of Establishment of Tram in Ioannina linking the main city poles from Yes Feasibility and 0.12 0.03 1. Project preparation on hold as
Ioannina and the airport to Ioannina University Hospital viability studies no EU funding secured
PPP Unit in Line 12 km with 20 stops completed 2. No inter-ministerial decision for
Ministry of Call for tender inclusion in PPP list
Development 2016 Construction
Commissioning Secure EU funding support in
2019/20 Juncker package