Page 415 - ePaper
P. 415
12 Energy Connections Trans-Adriatic TAP New onshore and offshore pipeline between Greece/Turkey and Italy Potential funding 2015- 2019 1.5
Union and production Pipeline" (TAP) with a total length of 871 km (766 km onshore and 105 km offshore), under CEF
with a normal daily capacity of 27.1 MCM/day and a maximum daily
capacity of 30.1 MCM/day. Initial throughput capacity of 10
BCM/year. The power of the compressor station(s) is 90 MW.
13 Energy Connections Eastern DEPA The Pipeline is designed for the transportation of initially 8bcm/year Potential funding Costconfiguration 5
Union and production Mediterranean new sources of gas from the offshore fields in the East under CEF up to IGI Poseidon
Pipeline Mediterranean. It is being promoted by DEPA and the Ministry of tie in for period
Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus. It’s routing will 2015-2019
be from the source via Cyprus, a landfall in Crete and into mainland
Greece. Fromthere, in conjunction with the IGI and/or the IGB gas
from the Eastern Mediterranean could be effectively delivered to the
markets of other European states and interconnectivity in the SEE
will be promoted.
14 Energy Connections Compressor DESFA The Project aims at increasing the Transmission Capacity of the Estimated amount 2016- 2018 0.07
Union and production Station at Kipi NNGTS, in order to increase the supply of natural gas in the Greek of loan from EIB:
(Turkish Greek market, as well as the supply of transit gas to the European market, 35.000.000 EURO
Border) by connecting to upstream natural gas systems having the form of an Other sources:
Independent Natural Gas System (INGS) that may develop in the Own equity and
area (Trans Adriatic Pipeline, IGB, etc). The Project has been eu/state co-
included in 2010-2014 Development Plan, as approved by the financing:
Ministerial Decision n. Δ1/Α/12721 of the Deputy Minister of 35.000.000
Environment, Energy & Climate Change, (Official Gazette 1399 EURO. Potential
Β'/16.06.2011), subsequent to the assenting decision n. 07/2011 of funding under
Regulatory Energy Authority CEF
15 Energy Connections Net metering Ministry of Installation of RES units from autoproducers (to meet their own Part of the cost 0.05 0.05
Union and production Environment, needs), by applying energy compensation. Net metering allows will be covered by
Energy and customers with distributed generation systems to be compensated the structural
Climate when their systems generate more electricity than the customer is funds
Change using onsite (programming
period 2014-
16 Energy Connections RES Projects Ministry of The project concerns support of RES installations. Part of the cost 2015-2018 0.1
Union and production Environment, will be covered by
Energy and the structural
Climate funds
Change (programming
period 2014-
17 Energy Connections Development of IPTO, It concerns projects included in the 10-year development plans. 2015-2023 2
Union and production electricity and HEDNO,
natural gas DESFA
and distribution
Union and production Pipeline" (TAP) with a total length of 871 km (766 km onshore and 105 km offshore), under CEF
with a normal daily capacity of 27.1 MCM/day and a maximum daily
capacity of 30.1 MCM/day. Initial throughput capacity of 10
BCM/year. The power of the compressor station(s) is 90 MW.
13 Energy Connections Eastern DEPA The Pipeline is designed for the transportation of initially 8bcm/year Potential funding Costconfiguration 5
Union and production Mediterranean new sources of gas from the offshore fields in the East under CEF up to IGI Poseidon
Pipeline Mediterranean. It is being promoted by DEPA and the Ministry of tie in for period
Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus. It’s routing will 2015-2019
be from the source via Cyprus, a landfall in Crete and into mainland
Greece. Fromthere, in conjunction with the IGI and/or the IGB gas
from the Eastern Mediterranean could be effectively delivered to the
markets of other European states and interconnectivity in the SEE
will be promoted.
14 Energy Connections Compressor DESFA The Project aims at increasing the Transmission Capacity of the Estimated amount 2016- 2018 0.07
Union and production Station at Kipi NNGTS, in order to increase the supply of natural gas in the Greek of loan from EIB:
(Turkish Greek market, as well as the supply of transit gas to the European market, 35.000.000 EURO
Border) by connecting to upstream natural gas systems having the form of an Other sources:
Independent Natural Gas System (INGS) that may develop in the Own equity and
area (Trans Adriatic Pipeline, IGB, etc). The Project has been eu/state co-
included in 2010-2014 Development Plan, as approved by the financing:
Ministerial Decision n. Δ1/Α/12721 of the Deputy Minister of 35.000.000
Environment, Energy & Climate Change, (Official Gazette 1399 EURO. Potential
Β'/16.06.2011), subsequent to the assenting decision n. 07/2011 of funding under
Regulatory Energy Authority CEF
15 Energy Connections Net metering Ministry of Installation of RES units from autoproducers (to meet their own Part of the cost 0.05 0.05
Union and production Environment, needs), by applying energy compensation. Net metering allows will be covered by
Energy and customers with distributed generation systems to be compensated the structural
Climate when their systems generate more electricity than the customer is funds
Change using onsite (programming
period 2014-
16 Energy Connections RES Projects Ministry of The project concerns support of RES installations. Part of the cost 2015-2018 0.1
Union and production Environment, will be covered by
Energy and the structural
Climate funds
Change (programming
period 2014-
17 Energy Connections Development of IPTO, It concerns projects included in the 10-year development plans. 2015-2023 2
Union and production electricity and HEDNO,
natural gas DESFA
and distribution