Page 209 - ePaper
P. 209
List of Projects - Energy Union

Sector Subsector Private/Public/P Project name Implementing Description Included Status Total Investme Barriers/solutions Additional
PP agency in invest- nt in information
national ment 2015 –
investme costs 2017
nt plan (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connections and private Pumped-storage Construction of a supranational No Prepared, not 1,5-2,0 0.5 Lack of financing - search for a private
Union Production hydroelectric plant connecting the rivers Vltava implemented due to investor. Insufficient political support.
plant Lipno - LIPNO- (CZ) and Danube (AT), with the the lack of financing.
Aschach multiday cycle of power up to 1 Private partner is
s.r.o. 000 MW. Flood control as well as being searched.
energy security function.
Energy Connections and public Support of ČEPS, a.s. Three subprojects: New double No Implementation is 0.1134 0.086 The operator of the power grid generally Two PCI projects,
Union Production development of circuit OverHead Line between planned to start in faces the regulatory barries causing that one of them is
North-West two substations, construction of 2016, one project the preparation phase is rather long. The assumed to be
region in the two new substations (both 420 could be delayed to barriers relate in particular to the financed from the
area of security kV) 2017 due to the legislation, regulation on the market and EIB loan (signature
of energy supply approval processes. administrative obstacles. Property is planned for the
purchase and the time needed for the end of November
whole approval procedure connected with 2014)
the preparation of the project represent the
main problems.
Energy Connections and public Support of ČEPS, a.s. Three subprojects: reconstruction No Implementation is 0.1408 0.0573 The operator of the power grid generally Three PCI projects.
Union Production development of and enlargement of two planned to start in faces the regulatory barries causing that
region South substations (2nd stage in one 2016 the preparation phase is rather long. The
Bohemia and case), connecting of existing line barriers relate in particular to the
Vysocina in the to a substation. legislation, regulation on the market and
area of security administrative obstacles. Property
of energy supply purchase and the time needed for the
whole approval procedure connected with
the preparation of the project represent the
main problems.
Energy Connections and public Modernization of ČEPS, a.s. Two subprojects: replacement of No Implementation is 0.0827 0.0827 The operator of the power grid generally Two PCI projects,
Union Production Hradec an existing transformer (400/220 planned to start in faces the regulatory barries causing that both projects are
substation and kV) in a substation and phase 2016 and 2015 in the preparation phase is rather long. The assumed to be
improvement in shifting transformers (a measure case of the barriers relate in particular to the financed from the
handling of to control unplanned flows of phaseshifters legislation, regulation on the market and EIB loan (signature
cross-border electricity on CZ - DE profile) administrative obstacles. Property is planned for the
electricity flows purchase and the time needed for the end of November
whole approval procedure connected with 2014)
the preparation of the project represent the
main problems.
Energy Connections and Modernization of ČEPS, a.s. Five subprojects: upgrade of No Implementation is 0.0754 0.0622 The operator of the power grid generally Five projects, four of
Union Production control systems control system, protection planned to start in faces the regulatory barries causing that them are assumed
of substations schemes and renewal of 2015 and 2016 the preparation phase is rather long. The to be financed from
involving transformer for self-consumption ; barriers relate in particular to the the EIB loan
elements of modernization of a transfomer; legislation, regulation on the market and (signature is planned
SMART security and control systems of a administrative obstacles. Property for the end of
technology substation; reconstruction of purchase and the time needed for the November 2014)
control and security systems and whole approval procedure connected with
replacement of a transformer in a the preparation of the project represent the
substation; replacement of a main problems.
transformer (220/110 kW for
400/110 kW) in a substation
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