Page 162 - ePaper
P. 162
Sector Subsector Private/Public/ Project Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
PPP name agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment cost 2017
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)

Energy Union Connections public Construction Electricity Increase of No Feasibility 0.1 0.0 lacking fiscal space
and of 400kV System Operator interconnector studies /
production power line capacity with project
between Greece and finance
Vetren - Romania by the preparatory
Blagoevgrad construction of 2 activities
AC new high- have been
voltage initiated.
transmission lines
with a total
capacity of 1700
MVA, as follows:
400kV OHL of 100
km between
Vetren and
Blagoevgrad and
400 kV OHL of 150
km between
Tsarevets and
Plovdiv (onshore).

Energy Union Connections public Construction Electricity Increase of No Feasibility 0.1 0.0 lacking fiscal space
and of 400kV System Operator interconnector studies /
production power line capacity with project
between Greece and finance
Tsarevets Romania by the preparatory
and Plovdiv construction of 2 activities
AC new high- have been
voltage initiated.
transmission lines
with a total
capacity of 1700
MVA, as follows:
400kV OHL of 100
km between
Vetren and
Blagoevgrad and
400 kV OHL of 150
km between
Tsarevets and
Plovdiv (onshore).

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