Trebuie definită conceptual sintagma Smart City

Manuela Catrina, MCSI: Ne dorim ca Bucureştiul să fie unul dintre centrele de inovare ale Europei

Eduard Lovin, ANCOM: Vrem să venim cu strategia 5G până în toamnă

Intrarom prezintă dezvoltările reţelelor de transmisiuni wireless

UiPath e nr. 1 global în RPA

Lorian Vintilă, ZTE: Operatorii nu au încă un model de return of investment în 5G

Smart energy, pariul start-up-ului românesc Box2M

S. Bănică, Check Point: Cybersecurity se va muta în agenţi software open source - nanoagenţi

Ioan Cocan, Tremend: Propunem clienţilor enterprise să gândească mobile first în implementări

Cybersecurity, o provocare şi pentru 5G


Sorin Grindeanu, Preşedinte ANCOM @ MWC 2018: Pregatim Strategia Nationala 5G

Claudia Nemat, DT: We develop the largest network modernization in our history)

Deutsche Telekom connects with Manuel Neuer, via European Aviation Network

Ranjeev Suri, CEO Nokia: US and ASIA are in front of Europe in the 5G era

Why Europe lost the 5G race in front of US and Asia?

Ericsson & Telstra - Transforming a company from Telco to Techno

Börje Ekholm, CEO Ericsson: For the 5G race, Europe has a couple of issues to resolve

Huawei launches the World's First 3GPP Commercial 5G CPE - 2 Gbps download

Demo Huawei Mate 10

NASA & HPE partnership: a supercomputer to gather data for a potential Mars mission

V-Home by Vodafone - Consumer IoT solutions @ MWC 2018

Vodafone and Huawei claim first call in the world using Non Stand-Alone 3GPP 5G new radio standard

Standul naţional al României @ MWC 2018

Is Europe ready for 5G? DT says Yes, but we need less regulation and more spectrum

Kathrein Network Vision 2022

Nokia - Kathrein 5G Antenna for Orange

Tremend prezintă platforma IoT CloudMatix la MWC 2018

Altom vine la MWC 2018 cu robotul AltTap, ce interacţionează cu POS-urile

CymbIoT wants to make IoT smarter @ MWC 2018

World's First 5G Trial Networks @ MWC 2018

KT, the first 5G operator, after the world's first 5G trial networks?

Intracom Telecom Products @ MWC 2018, manufactured in Romania

Smart City & IoT News of Intracom Telecom @ MWC 2018

Network Artificial Intelligence by Intracom Telecom @ MWC 2018

Intracom Telecom is ready for 5G @ MWC 2018

5G & Industrial IoT R&D from Fraunhofer Institute @ MWC 2018

Continental presents Predictive Connectivity @ MWC 2018

SAS Institute: Analytics, a game changer in 5G era @ MWC 2018

Radwin launches the world’s first dual-band smart Beamforming base station

Start-up-ul romanesc Box2M expune in standul grupului Orange @ MWC 2018