Page 16 - Mobile World Daily - Day 4
P. 16


                            Dave Fraser, CEO, Devicescape

Welcome to
World Congress…?

As the industry evolves to reflect the             “Connectivity World Congress” might be            The logical extension of this is that end users     Successful mobile
growing awareness that wireless                  worth considering. It maintains a link to the     will begin to choose their connectivity               operators will be the ones
connectivity is bigger than any one              event’s roots, while continuing to address the    provider—which may not necessarily be a               that dispense with
technology, perhaps this event would             broader mix of underlying technologies that       Network Operator—based on the total                   technology-aligned
benefit from another name change.                can be harnessed to give smartphone users         connectivity package to which that provider           thinking and offer
                                                 the connectivity they seek. Specifically it       gives them access. Like for like comparisons of       Connectivity First.
Someone visiting this show for the first         would create the right environment for the        cellular coverage are going to lose their currency
       time, with no preconceived ideas, might   meaningful integration of Wi-Fi into the          fast as end users realise services are available    and relevance of the service. Because
       well find themselves wondering why it’s   connectivity service that mobile operators        that deploy a range of technologies to ensure the   relevance is everything.
still called “Mobile World Congress”. Such a     provide.                                          best connectivity experience in the moment.
variety of industries, applications and                                                                                                                  At the beginning of this article I was talking
activities are on display here in Barcelona        Despite its enormous popularity with end          Remember, smartphone users spend 90 per           about the evolution of this illustrious event.
that the overarching theme is open to            users, and despite the enormous public and        cent of their time indoors, where Wi-Fi             I’m told that, one of its original purposes was
interpretation.                                  private connectivity resource that it             connectivity is increasingly available in an        to facilitate the establishment of international
                                                 represents, there are still some within the       abundance that cellular simply cannot match.        roaming agreements between operators so
   MWC has had several identity changes as       traditional operator community who believe        That is not a criticism of cellular, it’s simply    that their customers could have the same
it has evolved over the years. Back in the 90’s  Wi-Fi is—and should remain—entirely               an observation that these two technologies          experience moving from one network to
it was known as GSM World Congress,              separate from cellular.                           have evolved to do what they are best at.           another.
reflecting a strict technology alignment. With                                                     Cellular is the clear winner for mobility, for
the arrival of UMTS it became 3GSM World           Ironically, this view perpetuates rather        outdoor connectivity and clearly delivers             A lot has changed since then, the show’s
Congress in 2001. And six years later, as        than neutralizes the threat that Wi-Fi            some indoor connectivity. But Wi-Fi rules the       name included, but this challenge of
mobile operators worldwide signalled their       represents to the established operator            in-building roost; which is why successful          continuity remains. Mobile operators need to
intent to converge on a single cellular          community. The emergence of Wi-Fi First           mobile operators will be the ones that              take control of the entire connectivity
standard for 4G, it was given the name we        and Wi-Fi-only plays from disruptive start-       dispense with technology-aligned thinking           service, and that means an extension of the
still use.                                       ups and larger cable operators—as well as         and offer Connectivity First.                       same cellular service experience to all forms
                                                 the arrival of Google’s integrated cellular and                                                       of Wi-Fi. It means a managed service that
  These changes follow a narrative of            Wi-Fi offer—will add a new dimension of             One could even argue that, in the shape of        delivers quality, convenience, and security. It
expansion and inclusivity. UMTS brought          choice for end users who want connectivity        T-Mobile USA, the industry already has its          means giving users what they need, where
with it brand new operators with no 2G           rather than one or other technology that          prototype Connectivity First operator. CEO          they need it, when they need it.
legacy, hence the subtle but important           underlies it. And their emergence has been        John Legere’s observation last year around
addition of that ‘3’. The end of a far more      greatly assisted by traditional mobile            the launch of Wi-Fi Un-leashed that it doesn’t        It is our firm belief that, this time next year,
significant industry era was reflected in the    operators’ reluctance to embrace the              matter how he gives his users five bars of          T-Mobile USA will be by no means the only
next change, as the sometimes bitterly           fantastic wireless resource on which these        service, so long as he gives them those five        mobile operator taking a Connectivity First
opposed GSM and CDMA camps laid down             disruptive new services are being built.          bars, felt like a breakthrough moment.              approach. Whether or not we’ll be greeting
their arms on the common ground of LTE.                                                                                                                one another at the inaugural Connectivity
With each new technology came more                 Mobile operators need to look and learn.          His point was made in response to the             World Congress, is perhaps another matter.
options and more operators.                      We believe the most important trend of 2015       observation that an emphasis on Wi-Fi
                                                 will be a shift in thinking away from isolated    reflected a weakness in his cellular network.
   In 2015 it feels like the time is right for   technologies and towards what we’re calling a     We can speculate about that, but the more
another change. Clearly this is no longer an     Connectivity First approach. Some operators       important question is: So what if it did? The
event that deals exclusively in “mobile”, and    may continue offering services at the fringes     fact is, there are weaknesses in every cellular
the gathering momentum behind quad-play          of the industry, using only one technology or     network, mostly indoors where people need
means mobile-only operators are actually         another. But the majority will soon realize       connectivity most. So what’s the best thing to
dwindling in number. What’s more, the            that, as long as the quality of the connectivity  do in response? Do what Legere did, and
lifespan of previous rebrands suggests           experience is a good one, the end user will be    address those weaknesses in the most
another is due.                                  pleased, however it’s delivered.                  efficient way you can to maintain the quality

PAGE 16 Thursday 5th March                                                                         MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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