Page 14 - Mobile World Daily - Day 4
P. 14




                                                                                                    Mobile Learning Awards celebrated its third edition this year. mSchools Mobile Learning
                                                                                                  Awards reward those who use and experience mobile technologies within academia
                                                                                                  demonstrating the educational possibilities of mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) in
                                                                                                  schools. These awards honour innovative teacher and student led projects that recognise
                                                                                                  the integral role of Mobile Technology in Education.

                                                                                                     In addition, School Visits at the Mobile World Centre, aimed at students understanding
                                                                                                  of how mobile enhances our lives, provides children and schools with a first-hand
                                                                                                  approach on the use of mobile technology. Visits are organized on an ongoing basis
                                                                                                  throughout the year and encourage the discovery and use of mobile technology through an
                                                                                                  innovative “Learn by Play” treasure hunt experience.

                                                                                                  IMPROVE DIGITAL SKILLS & ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT
                                                                                                  Developing 21st century skills with the support of industry and education experts.

The mSchools programme is a multi-faceted mEducation initiative by the                               mSchools App Education course is a computer science elective offered in Catalan High
Mobile World Capital Barcelona, in collaboration with the Generalitat of                          Schools based on app design and prototype development. In partnership with the Departament
Catalonia, Barcelona City Hall and GSMA.                                                          d’Ensenyament, App education promotes team work and stimulates the entrepreneurial spirit.

  mSchools is a multi-faceted mEducation initiative of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, in             Throughout the course, students and teachers receive mentoring from industry expert
collaboration with the Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona City Hall and GSMA. Launched in        volunteers improving learning outcomes and digital skills. Industry experts from leading
2012, mSchools effectively integrates mobile technologies into the classroom.                     companies in the fields of app development, video games, business incubators and internet
                                                                                                  portals guide students and teachers through project planning and app development during the
  Mobile enables access to up-to-date materials, improves collaboration and strengthens           course.
learner engagement. mSchools helps students build important new digital skills, improves
achievement and prepares them for today’s world.                                                    The App Education course has over 12.000 students and more than 300 schools enrolled in the
                                                                                                  2015 school year. That’s over 25% of 4th grade ESO students from Catalonian public high schools.

The mSchools Programme is based on three focus areas:                                               mSchools App Awards acknowledges and rewards innovative students, teachers and
• Encourage Learning with Mobile                                                                  schools for their hard work and accomplishments during the App Education course.
• Improve Digital Skills and Entrepreneurial Spirit
• Build an open Environment for mEducation                                                          Awards focus on the design, coherence and technical development of applications for
                                                                                                  mobile devices, stimulating the students’ presentation skills and creativity.

Fostering curiosity and the joy of discovery for students and teachers.                           Increasing accessibility of mobile content and solutions relevant to students and teachers.

  Mobile History Map (MHM), a pioneering initiative of the mSchools programme,                      mSchools Toolbox is an online repository of validated and tested mobile educational
advocates the use of mobile technology applied to non-technological subjects. This new,           content. Designed to increase the availability and usage of educational mobile content for
geo-positioning app and platform, allows students to collaboratively create content about         schools, teachers, parents and students. All content is curated by teachers and education
points of interest close to their schools.                                                        experts for a better classroom experience.

  MHM content is evaluated and curated by education experts with the support of the                 mSchools Lab provides a set of tools to foster collaboration in testing future mEducation
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, constituting a unique catalogue of Catalonian       solutions in a school environment. Designed to facilitate innovative trials and accelerate the
history and culture.                                                                              adoption of cutting edge technology for education. Schools are encouraged to volunteer to
                                                                                                  partner with the industry to implement innovative solutions together.
  This pioneering project, specially designed for non-technical subjects is not only a
multidisciplinary educational tool but also a huge success: more than 1600 students and 80          mSchools mobile4all promotes accessibility of mobile devices for qualifying families and
teachers from Catalonia are generating new digital content based on over 400 points of interest.  students with special needs. Designed to reduce the digital divide in the classroom.

                                                                                                    For more information on how Mobile World Capital Barcelona is changing education
                                                                                                  please visit us at Congress Square 70 or

PAGE 14 Thursday 5th March                                                                        MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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