Page 55 - A2A-interoperability_Online
P. 55
a2a interoperaBility makinG moBile money scHemes interoperate

scope – a description of the scope of work for the task Force:

the initial scope of work for the task Force is limited to interoperability of mmo payment schemes between themselves and with bank
accounts. other types of interoperability are currently outside the scope of the task Force. additional aspects may be considered if
agreed by all participants and as such the scope of work for the task Force may change over time.

memBersHip – an outline of the non-exclusive member criteria for the group, including:

the task Force is open to staff from mmo payment schemes.

representation on the task Force should be consistent throughout the operation of the group and with decision-making authority for
their respective organisation.

With prior warning, members of the task Force may choose to invite colleagues, banking sector representatives or external experts to
attend meetings as particular subject experts.

metHoD oF WorkinG – Description of how members of the task Force would work
together, such as:

Face to face meetings are to be held on a quarterly basis, with monthly conference calls being held between meetings.

the task Force will be administered by:

• chairman – XXX (to be decided);
• secretary – XXX (to be decided).

the agendas for meetings are set by the task Force – with representatives submitting items for the agenda at least five working days in
advance. the agenda will be made available at least four working days before each meeting.

the task Force will commission specific work items (with agreed deliverables and timescales) for particular workstreams through as-
signed workstream participants.

a workstream deliverable will be reviewed by the task Force and relevant mmo representatives before the deliverable is published to a
wider audience.

FunDinG – Description of how the task Force is to be funded. For example:

the task Force does not have a specific allocated budget.

resources for administration, meetings and deliverables will be provided by participating mmos.

any funding requirements will be considered as they are identified and cost allocation agreed by the members of the task Force.

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