Page 54 - A2A-interoperability_Online
P. 54
appenDiX c - eXample task Force terms oF reFerence

Appendix c -

example task Force

terms of Reference

this appendix provides an example of the terms of reference for a collaborative industry body to drive a2a interoperability in a market.
this body is referred to as the task Force (see section 6 above).

purpose – a high-level statement of the aims of the task Force:

the task Force is an industry forum to allow mmos to discuss, investigate and, if appropriate, agree and define a common approach for
a2a interoperability between accounts at different mmo payment schemes and between accounts at mmo schemes and at banks.

reportinG – Formal and informal reporting structure for the task Force:

representatives participating in the task Force report progress to their respective management within their organisations.

the task Force may also provide information on its activities and deliverables to the central Bank.

oBJectiVes – outline of the objectives of the task Force:

the objectives of the task Force are:
• provide a forum for discussion and investigation relating to the development and deployment of interoperable mmo payment

• Facilitate cooperative activity relating to the development of interoperable mobile e-money, including:
a. interoperable specifications;
b. service delivery processes;

c. user experience;

• enable resolution of all non-competitive issues that may lead to an increase in risk;
• identify and engage with external stakeholders (such as banks) in the development of interoperable mmo payments;
• promote interoperability of technology and service delivery across mmo scheme implementations;

• identify and share non-confidential information between participants on any aspects of specifications and implementations.

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