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11. Mobile and corporate payments

Even though the consumer market has gained most of bring to the corporate world, the deployment of these technologies
the visibility in the mobile payments and solutions world, has been slow. This is not a surprise, considering that businesses act
very diferently than consumers. The latter tend to move relatively
the corporate market holds signifcant potential for the quickly towards new technologies while businesses usually lag

development of this industry. Our 2014 survey shows behind as they require a compelling business case to deploy
strong agreement (more than 60%) in the relevance of new technologies. Launching a new tool or app in a corporate
environment requires a large amount of resources in the form of
diferent use cases for mobile in the corporate world.
support, licenses and testing, and unless there are positive returns
It was expected to see “alerts and messaging” as the top use case for to be expected in the form of savings or productivity increases, the
mobile in corporate as it is an extension of the current uses of mobile technology will not be deployed.
in the consumer world, but “travel expense and control” opens a Mobile phones have a clear limitation in the size of their screens,
whole new category of services that are worth exploring.
leading business executives to wonder how much information
Given that the mobile device always accompanies most business they can receive and process efciently under this limitation. But
travellers during their trips, it acts as an always-available tool to the relatively recent rise of the tablet (e.g. iPad, Kindle, Surface) has
ensure adherence to travel policies and monitoring of expenses. opened new horizons. It ofers more screen real estate.
With corporate travel and payment tools, a company can not only
We can expect in the future more and more mobile corporate
make sure that travel costs remain within approved limits but can solutions will adapt to tablets, and corporate use will grow along
also analyse expense patterns in real time. At the same time, the
with the rise in tablet devices.
business traveller is able to access support tools such as the company
Another factor to consider for mobile in a corporate setting is “Bring-
booking and reservation systems.
Your-Own-Device” or BYOD; this is a trend in which corporations
Nevertheless, even with all the potential benefts that mobile can relax their IT rules to allow employees to use their personal devices
for work. BYOD is not without challenges as IT
departments face a more complex environment,
Corporate applications for mobile devices
one in which they need to support many
(% of respondents who agree or strongly agree) diferent devices.
Mobile devices have signifcant potential for
Alerts and messaging 89%
corporate use and although so far the adoption
Travel expense and control 77% of these technologies has not kept pace with
the consumer market, we can expect it will
Account monitoring and management 76%
only accelerate in the following years due to
Sales management tool 74% advances in device capabilities and the changes
in IT rules at large corporations.
Workfow management and process approvals 72%

Electronic invoicing
20% 40%

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