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8. Consumer expectations

Increasingly high consumer expectations

The adoption of new technologies is changing providers are playing a catch-up game with changing consumer
shopping habits. Mobile is considered as the next big opportunity,
consumer purchasing habits. Consumers expect
but one thing that many in the industry acknowledge is that
quicker and easier checkout and payment processes providing an appropriate solution is no easy task.
and relevant personalised information whether they Key elements have to be taken into consideration when designing a

are at home, at work or on-the-go. mobile commerce solution:
n Almost all respondents in this year’s survey (97%) considered that
Mobile devices work efectively across all delivery channels and convenience, ease of use and / or speed of payment are essential
make the distinction between diferent sales channels, such as components of a mobile commerce solution
the traditional opposition between brick-and-mortar and online n Payment also needs to become easier with mobile (agreed by
commerce, irrelevant. Re-thinking the consumer experience for 87% of respondents), especially for repeated usage as evidenced
mobile commerce is essential. by the Amazon 1-click or Square pay-with-your-name features
As consumer expectations increase, merchants and payment n Compared to previous years, there is signifcant change
in the presence of relevant and
personalised ofers in the top 3
Key drivers for consumer adoption of mobile commerce / payments drivers for consumer adoption.

(% of respondents who agree or strongly agree) 97% While previously considered
interesting, they were not as
86% (e.g. appropriate content, location and / or time) 84% and they refect the increasing
Convenience, ease of use and / or speed of
signifcant as in this year’s survey,
payment for consumers
Payment methods adapted to mobile
(e.g. 1-click, payment data saved in
focus on providing appropriate
consumer profle)
content to create a two-way
Relevant and personalised ofers for consumers
interaction with consumers and a
signifcant potential to generate
Deals, ofers and incentives to consumers
Development of m-commerce by merchants with
mobile website / app 77% additional sales.
Investment in consumer education
Building a closer customer relationship through
mobile (e.g. face recognition at time of payments, 52%
use of data analytics)
100% | Edgar, Dunn & Company in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 19
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