Page 7 - BROSURA Gala 2015
P. 7

We invite you to send us via email your entry form.
    To do this you will need one page form:
    • A 250 words abstract about the product or service being entered.
    • A summary of how this product/service meets category Awards.
    • A credit card for payment details or the company’s invoice data.

                               A SPECIAL NIGHT OF

                  CELEBRATION & REPUTATION

 Entry requirements and regulations

• The entry must be in Romanian or English.
• A single campaign can be entered into any number of

 categories but the judges reserve the right to re-allocate any
 entry, which in their view, has been incorrectly categorised.
• Entries will be accepted only until 01 November 2015.
• Please email any supporting material, such as independently produced data,
 industry surveys, extracts from analysts’ reports, testimonials, press articles to No further hard copy information is required.
• Best Brand is the only exception to this. One video/audio tape or a CD may be submitted per entry.
 This must be sent to Mobile Communications Magazine, OP 22,CP 124, Sect. 1, Bucharest, cod 010323
• The CEO of the Year and the Excellence Awards will be decided on by an industry voting poll.
• Each company can enter as many categories as it wants, but each applicant can only submit one
 nomination per category. We also accept nominations from third parties, and we encourage companies
 and individuals to send in nominations for players they consider that have great performances and
• We are only accepting electronic copies for your entries.

Cost per entry (one category):               Payment options

500 euro (+VAT)                              Credit card - On completing your entry(s), you will be
                                             taken to an online payments page. Please have your
Cost for multiple entries:                   credit card ready!
500 euro (+VAT) for the first entry          Invoice - on completing your entry(s), you will have an
350 euro (+VAT) for subsequent entries       option to request an invoice.

Exclusions                                   Queries
All entries should relate to the commercial
use of communications. Military use servi-   If you have any queries please email the
ces or individuals are excluded.             Mobile Communications Awards 2015
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