Page 11 - BROSURA Gala 2015
P. 11

5.999 €



VER                                    • 15 minutes presentation (speech);
                                       • Presence at the filmed debating section
   ction                               (10 min. per company in the final movie);
   movie);                             • Posting of the video filmed at the event on our website
    vent on our website and on TelecomTV video channel on YouTube
  channel on YouTube (the first        (the first telecom video channel in Romania, the biggest video
   the biggest video data base         data base dedicated exclusively to ITC industry - http://www.tele-
   try - - - currently over 2,000 movies, own production);
   oduction);                          • Possibility to take over the filmed materials for internal activi-
  materials for internal activities    ties and upload on the company’s website;
    te;                                • Insert of the video in our daily IT&C Monitor Agency distributed
  C Monitor Newsletter distrib-        to a data base of more than 15,000 decision makers contacts;
   000 contacts;                       • Insert of the sponsor documentation and offer in the event bag;
  on and offer in the event bag;       • Mentioning the sponsor name in pre&post event press releases;
   re&post event press releases;       • Presence in COMUNIC@ŢII Mobile Magazine (print version) –
    Mag. (print version) – 1/2 edito-  1/1 editorial page (company speech) in the post event edition;
   in post event edition;              • Presence in COMUNIC@ŢII Mobile Magazine (eMagazine ver-
    Mag. (eMagazine version) – 1/2     sion) – 1/1 editorial page from the company speech within the
   eech in post event edition with     post event edition with link to the company’s movie;
                                       • Presence of the sponsor logo on the event banner
  he event banner (SILVER);            (special position GOLD Sponsor);
   ur website           • Presence of the sponsor logo on our website
                                       (special position GOLD Sponsor);
  he entire documentation of the       • Presence of the sponsor logo on the entire documentation of
  nsor);                               the event (special position GOLD Sponsor);
    t hall;                            • Presence of two roll-ups in the event hall;
  bsite - 15 days       • Advertising banner on website - 30 days
  y ICT Monitor Agency - 15 days       • Advertising banner in daily ICT Monitor Agency - 30 days
   r success"                          • 5 personal invitations "Partners for success" at the debates
  ers;                                 sessions for the partners of your company;
  unications Gala Awards 2015”         • 5 invitations at the “Mobile Communications Gala Awards 2015”

                                       • Free inclusion of a proposal for Mobile Communications Awards
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