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e-learning promise vs reality, present vs future

    Hidden slide to support Wand presentation

    The work flow of teacher doing activities in class then allocating the exact same
    presentation and activities to the child for them to work on and bring back is an

    excellent example of the following

               Teacher                                                      Learner

               Scaffolding the learning                                     Ability to revist the lesson
               Expecting habits of strong learning                          Ability to try numerous times
               Helping children organise                                    ‘safe’ environments to try out ideas
               Setting harder challenges for different students             Resilience is recognised

      Possible student ‘Advert’
       Resilience - I’m getting the answers wrong in class – I just need more time to think about it to crack it
       Risk  - come to the front of the class to click on/ commit to your answer
       Be organised – Homework for this subject is every lesson and always in the same place – I just do it when I get home

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