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Dan Buckley, CEO of South East Cornwall Multi Academy Regional Trust

                  Personalised ‘FOR’ the                     Personalised ‘By’ the

                learner : All with routes individually    learner : All supported by peers to        Andreas
                          tailored for them.                     make informed choices               Schleicher
    Most IT solutions have chosen                           Focus on SECRET Skill                    OECD
                Focus on Development of
    the wrong fork in the road                               Development :learners
                Individual Programs: learner
               given individual ‘Tailored’ outcomes from     collectively given choice of             Value is less
               same starting point.  Impact evaluated by   approaches, teacher role models           and less
                               teacher                   evaluating impact with peer review          created

                   Individualised Learning:        .        .        Student Centred Learning    Increasing Personalisation  vertically
                                     Personalise ‘FOR’ groups :                                      command
                 ‘Differentiation’ - Teacher applies different outcomes for different groups         and control-

                                 Unevaluated ‘Choice’ provided:                                      as in the
                    Different approaches or student choices but impact is not evaluated
                                            One size fits all:
               Concept of equal access misunderstood.  Personalisation is not the agenda             student”

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